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Europe I'm sure. My family's blondes get it from Sweden.

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5mo ago

Blonde hair is more commonly found in populations of northern European descent, particularly in countries such as Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark. However, blond hair can also be found in other regions of the world due to genetic diversity and intermingling of populations.

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10y ago

fennoscandinavia and North America (partially immigrants from fennoscandinavia)

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Q: Where are most blondes from?
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England has more Blondes than Germany. But Norway, Sweden and Finland have the highest percentage of natural Blondes. The United States has the most blondes in total, Scandinavian countries have the highest percentage of blondes.

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i Think That Most Blondes Suite Bright Colours... most colours look good but yellow isn't always great depending on how blonde your hair is

What US state has the most blondes?

California or Texas. also michigan has a lot of blondes because it was one state that finns and other fennoscandinavian came as immigrants

Where do most blondes live?

Central parts of Norway , Sweden and Finland

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Yes, for most of the guys. Blondes are attractive and appealing to most men.

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because they're blondes