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Charles Dickens lived most of his life in and around London, although he was born in Portsmouth, Hampshire.
Initially Portsmouth UK and London UK

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∙ 7y ago
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∙ 10mo ago

Charles Dickens lived in various places throughout his life, including London, Portsmouth, and Kent. He spent most of his adult life in London, where he wrote many of his famous works and also had a home in Gad's Hill Place, located in Kent.

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∙ 15y ago

Charles Dickens was a famous English writer. There is a lot of material about him on the web.

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Not exactly "left" home but Charles Dickens went to live with a family friend, Elizabeth Roylance in Camden Town, when his parents were put in jail.

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His full name was Charles John Huffam Dickens

How long did Charles dickens live in Portsmouth?

yes Charles dickens was born in Portsmouth and you can visit his birthplace there today.

Where did Charles Dickens live in 1843?

He lived in Camden Town, London

What is Charles Dickens' first name?

Charles John Huffam Dickens Nickname-Boz He used his nickname in the early of his writing career.

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Charles Dickens' mother was named Elizabeth Dickens, nÊe Barrow.

Is Charles Dickens single?

No, Charles Dickens is not single.

Does Charles Dickens have kids?

Yes, Charles Dickens has 10 kids.