William Shakespeare was a prominent playwright during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Other notable playwrights from that time include Christopher Marlowe and Ben Jonson. Shakespeare's works such as "Romeo and Juliet" and "Hamlet" were especially popular during this period.
Shakespeare was not a king. He was a playwright. He wrote a lot of plays.
Some of the most well known plays of all time were created during the Tudor times, especially during the reign of Elizabeth I. Perhaps the most renowned playwright of all time, William Shakespeare, wrote and performed plays during her time. Christopher Marlowe was another famous playwright from the time of the Tudors.
During the reign of Queen Elizabeth the discoveries were made that they brought back potatoes and tobacco leaves.
He was born during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and died during the reign of King James I.
The Elizabeth I reign is seen as the Golden Age of the monarch. She brought stability to the country, and there was structure to the government.
The defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 was a major victory for England during Elizabeth's reign. Catholic Spain and Protestant England were rivals.
The time during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I was called the Elizabethan period.
During the course of her reign Elizabeth I had over 400 Catholics executed.
She executed Mary who was the Queen of Scotland.
William Shakespeare
Punishment had been brutal long before the reign of Elizabeth I, and was quite brutal until fairly modern times. Punishment in Elizabeth's reign was typical, not exceptional.