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He was born during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and died during the reign of King James I.

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Q: Who was the leader of England when Shakespeare was alive?
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Who was in the throne when Shakespeare was alive and what was England like?

Queen Elizabeth I

What was England's queen when Shakespeare was alive?

It was Queen Elizabeth I, and after 1603, Queen Anne, the consort of James I.

Who was the leader of England at the time Shakespeare was living?

Queen Elizabeth to 1603 and King James I thereafter.

Who was president when shakespeare was alive?

The USA did not exist as such during Shakespeare's lifetime so there was no president of the USA. England/UK has never had a president, and during Shakespeare's lifetime there was no such position as prime minister.

What did shakespeare do in London to keep his work alive?

Shakespeare did his work in London to keep William Shakespeare alive.

Did England have any enemies while shakespeare was alive?

Yes, England ended up in a war with Spain during Shakespeare's lifetime. The Spanish sent a huge fleet, the Spanish Armada, to assist in ferrying a Spanish army to England, but bad weather and persistent attacks from the English caused it to fail. This was in 1588 when Shakespeare was 24.

Was England wealthy or poor when William Shakespeare was alive?

It was the start under Queen Elizabeth the first , the British power started growing.

What government did England have when William Shakespeare was alive?

England was a Constitutional Monarchy, and still is. That is to say, that they had a king or queen, but the legislature (like the American Congress) was more powerful and made most of the laws.

Who was alive in Shakespeare's time?

Quite a lot of people, really. There were probably between 500 and 600 million people alive at that time, and the population of England alone reached about 5 million. Attempting to name everyone is impossible, but some people who were alive at the same time as Shakespeare were Nostradamus and Suleiman the Magnificent (who both died when Shakespeare was 2), and La Rochefoucalt, the famous French maxim writer (who was born 3 years before Shakespeare died.)

When did Shakespeare return to England?

William Shakespeare never left England at any time.

What it was happening in England at the time when Shakespeare was alive?

The Spanish Armada (1588), the death of Queen Elizabeth and accession of James I (1603), The Gunpowder Plot (1605).