Parents should be involved in their child's education to provide support, motivation, and guidance. They can also help reinforce learning at home, communicate with teachers about progress and challenges, and ensure that their child receives the necessary resources for success in school. Ultimately, parental involvement is key to fostering a positive learning environment and helping children reach their full potential.
For a child to learn our history is vital to the childs education on our past. It is good that they should learn about WW1.
Parents should be interested in their childrens education so the children don't fail.
You and your parents.
because there the parents dauhhh
There are Child Labor Laws for youth protection. Another of a Childs rights is the right to a basic education.
If the parents and student agree to a religious education, otherwise, no. (In my humble opinion)
because everyone deserves an education no matter what race, where the were born,who their parents are or,what language they speak.
Depends on the childs weight.
no !
It's not a matter of if they should get involved, being with students day to day makes them involved by the example they set and their answers to questions students ask them. Getting involved in character education in a more formal way than that is something people will not agree on.
Basic education is the responsibility first of the parents and then of the community to set up and supervise the local schools. HIgher education for the 20% or people who can profit from it should be offered by the states.
Parents need to know what their children are learning, who they are learning from and the different people who are around their children daily.