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Remove - battery cable Remove + battery cable from battery and starter solenoid Route new cable following original routing Connect to starter solenoid Connect to + battery terminal Connect - battery cable

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Q: How do you replace positive battery cable on 1997 Ford F150?
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How do you replace a 1997 ford explorer positive battery cable?

Did you figure it out? Because I'm trying to figure it out myself.

How do you replace the positive battery cable on a 1997 Buick LeSabre?

Disconnect the cable from the LeSabre battery. Follow the route of the cable and disconnect the other end. Pull the cable out, then fit the new cable in the same direction. Connect the non battery end, then connect to the battery.

How do you install a starter on a 1997 Toyota Corolla 1.8L?

Remove the positive battery cable from your 1997 Toyota Corolla battery. Tighten the starter with the retaining bolts. Attach the cables to the front of the starter. Reattach the positive cable to the battery.

How do you replace the battery on 1997 Ford escort?

1. Take the negative cable end loose first, then the positive (red ) side. 2. Remove the hold down. 3. Lift the cover off. 4. Remove the battery. When installing the new battery put the positive post on first.

How do you replace the starter on a 1997 Olds 88?

Remove the positive cable from your 1997 Oldsmobile battery. Remove the starter cables from the front of the starter. Remove the starter retaining bolts. Reverse the process to install the new starter.

Where are the battery cables connected to a 1997 Chevy van motor?

The positive cable goes to the starter. The negative cable bolts to the engine block.

Where is the starter located on a 1997 Hyundia Sonata?

under the engine follow the positive cable off of the battery terminal

How do you replace the alternator on a 1997 Ford Escort?

Remove the neg battery cable, then the belt.Then the wiring and mounting bolts,

Where is the starter solenoid located on a 1997 Chevy S10 Blazer?

It is attached to the starter, just follow the positive battery cable from the battery, it will lead you to the starter solenoid.

Where is the starter located in your 1997 Honda accord ex?

The 1997 Honda Accord starter is located on the left-hand side of the engine, near the bottom. You can follow the positive battery cable from the battery to the starter.

1997 deville wont start in cold is is the coil pack?

most likely the battery or battery cable where the positive and negative termials connect to the battery. cold would have no effect on the coil pack.

How do you replace the starter on a 1997 Nissan pickup manual 4 wheel drive?

take passenger front tire off,look by oil filter,remove positive cable from starter and other wire and 2 bolts holding it on ,but first disconnect neg. battery cable.