Ad lib in medical terms means as much as the patient wants.
Some health insurance plans offer a AD&D Life Insurance Policy. That is why you would name a beneficiary for a health insurance company.
The primary /secondary payer is usually the insurance plan covering the claim
It is an ad that loads you with things!
Shirley Jones appeared in a health insurance ad several years ago.
One can find out what common auto insurance terms mean by asking and auto insurance salesman or by looking them up in a dictionary. One would have better success by asking the salesman.
It depends on the terms of the insurance and the type of damage to the vehicle. Contact your insurance agent for the terms of your insurance. In general, it should.
The typical terms of a building insurance policy would include such things as flood insurance, fire insurance and insurance covering anyone who may be injured at the building.
Alphabetically, AD is first; in terms of time, BC is first.
APG stands for ambulatory patient group. It's a term used in health insurance.