The distance between Columbus, OH, and Sumter, SC, is 531 miles and will take about 9 Hours 21 Minutes to drive.
The driving distance from Sumter, South Carolina to Atlanta, Georgia is about 262 miles.
The distance between Sumter, SC, and San Francisco, CA, is 2,741 miles and will take approximately 41 Hours of driving time.
no it is not in Sumter. it is in Charleston harbor South Carolina.
There is a Sumter County in South Carolina.
University of South Carolina Sumter was created in 1966.
Fort Sumter "is" in Charleston, South Carolina.
When South Carolina forced the surrender of Fort Sumter.
Fort Sumter is in Charleston, South Carolina.
Fort Sumter is located in South Carolina .
Fort Sumter is in Charleston South Carolina.
Starting on Liberty Street in Sumter, SC, make your way to I-95S. When available, take I-26E into Charleston, SC, downtown. The trip will be 106 miles or about 1hr 40min depending on traffic and holiday conditions.
182 miles on Rte 1 207 miles on I-95