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depends. it can either result in a fanciful and beautiful periwinkle, or a handsome and deep chartreuse.

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Q: What color do you get with red and blue?
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What color does HNO3 on blue litmus change?

Red color in acidic solutions and blue color in basic solutions.

What color does blue litmus paper turn when immersed into an acid?

Blue litmus paper turns red when immersed in an acid.

What do you mix with blue to get purple?

You mix blue with red to get purple. Blue is a primary color, and when mixed with red, which is also a primary color, it creates the secondary color purple.

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The color between blue and red is purple. It is a secondary color formed by mixing blue and red together.

What color do you get when you combine blue and red?

When you combine blue and red, you get the color purple.

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The color red can be changed to violet by adding the color blue. Red and blue are both primary colors, a violet is a secondary color.

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What is hank aaron's favorite color?

Hank's favorite color is red and blueHis favorite color is red blue and white.

What is the resultant color of red mixed with blue?

The resultant color of red mixed with blue is purple. Red and blue are primary colors that combine to create a secondary color, which is purple.

What color can you mix with blue to make purple?

You can mix red with blue to make purple. The red color mixes with the blue to create a shade of purple.

What is an acidic solution will turn blue litmus paper to what color?

Red color in acidic solutions and blue color in basic solutions.

What color do you mix with blue to get red?

You cannot mix blue with another color to get red. Blue and red are primary colors and cannot be created by mixing other colors together.