The CHAR datatype uses a fixed length, where as the VARCHAR datatype can be variable in length up to the maximum value specified for the length. If you insert "Hello" into a CHAR(10) field, the column would actually contain "Hello " with 5 trailing spaces. The same value inserted in a VARCHAR(10) field would contain "Hello". char datatype is fixed length data type and it store maximum 255 characters while varchardatatype store up to 4000 character of variable length datatype
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12,500 is the maximum length of a varchar field. The nVarchar field has the same limitation however you will use twice the data store space with an nVarchar as it is effectively the same as a varchar with the exception that it will store data required for international character sets. If you support a multi-language system then you will want to use a nVarchar character type for these fields.
Char is fixed length, while Varchar is variable length.
The former is for strings, the later is for numbers (integers).
That is text where we put only character type value and that is varchar where we put all data type value
Varchar cuts off trailing spaces if given a shorter word than its declared length, while char does not. Char will pad spaces after it if given a shorter word.
Field Properties represent parameters that can be defined for each field. Some examples would be: Field Type (int, varchar, nvarchar, datetime, uniqueidentifier, XML, etc) Additional attributes would be a flag to indicate if the field is NULLABLE or not, default value; etc.
no diff between varchar and varchar2 char store only chacter type but varchar2 store variable chacters. also varchar2 shirinks the space if not fully filled but char cant.
The CHAR datatype uses a fixed length, where as the VARCHAR datatype can be variable in length up to the maximum value specified for the length. If you insert "Hello" into a CHAR(10) field, the column would actually contain "Hello " with 5 trailing spaces. The same value inserted in a VARCHAR(10) field would contain "Hello". char datatype is fixed length data type and it store maximum 255 characters while varchardatatype store up to 4000 character of variable length datatype
CREATE TABLE `test`.`users` ( `id` INT NOT NULL auto_increment , `name` VARCHAR( 20 ) NOT NULL , `password` VARCHAR( 20 ) NOT NULL , `email` VARCHAR( 20 ) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) )
32767 bytes
Varchar in SQL means string in PHP.
It is just a datatype used in databases for string values.