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your facial hair is connected to your head hair and your pubic hair as you cut your facial hair your nerves in your skin tell you that your pubic hair is getting cut but is really not

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Q: Why do pubic hair hurt after guys shave?
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You are a twelve year old girl and you want to shave your pubic hair how do you do that?

No if you are 12 all you need is shaving cream and a razor make sure you trim your pubic hair first because if you don't it might hurt when you began to shave There really is no need at all to shave your pubic area. unless you just want to shave the bikini line so people cant see it coming out of your swim suit. but if you really must have it gone then the first answer is very helpful.

Are girls suppose to shave their vaginas?

Not really. The hair is there for a reason and the reason is ventilation. It's easier to get yeast infections if there's no hair and you're wearing tight clothes. If you do shave leave some. And who wants to look like a 12 yo girl anyways.

Where does it hurt for ectopic pregnancy?

For me it was very low near the pubic hair line.

What is best for shaving your privates?

There is not really a certain proper way to shave, all I do is wet the thick long hair with war water, put on the shave gel and gently shave it in the direction it grows in otherwise if u shave against the hair line it will hurt and probably bleed (it happened) ):

Why need shave before tattoo?

Hair gets pushed back into the skin as the needle goes through, causing ingrown hairs. They hurt, and they get infected. That is why you must shave before a tattoo.

Is it bad to shave your toes?

well i wouldn't say it was BAD necessarily but theres hardly point to it! the bottom of your foot (including toes) is hairless but the top... well theres not reason for you to shave it, but no technically its not BAD. -services of star Obviouly the question is referred to the top, which often grows hair, so no, it doesn't hurt to shave them, if hair is there.

How do you shave down?

Lolz...carefully, with a mirror, and with patience. There are some hair-removal waxes and razors that have instructions on which direction to wax/shave "there". It's just like your legs, shave against the hair growth. I warn you though, be careful. Those kind of nicks hurt WAAAAY more. Especially when you have to pee (TMI, sorry. Just preparing you)

Why do girls have so crotch hair?

Well, there really is no answer for that. It's kind of just part of puberty. If your a boy you will get hair there to. Girls do shave there crotch, and it does hurt for a while. There is no point in shaving there because nobody sees it, but people do it.

Why does it hurt whenever you shave your head?

It shouldn't really hurt unless you are shaving bald. This is because you are ripping the hairs out at a fast speed. But if you are just having a trim shave, it shouldn't hurt, but it might tickle.

Why does shaving legs hurt?

If you cut yourself it hurts terribly. Or if you have a lot of hair to shave it will get caught in the razor and it could pull the hair which would hurt. But if neither of that happens it shouldn't hurt at all.

If hair is growing under your neck but not under your chin as yet should you shave the hair under your neck?

It's all normal. Every boy developes different. You just get hair below your Adam's apple before that under your chin. If you have a hairy neck, it's 102% sure you'll get thick hair under chin connecting with you neck hair, like nearly every man. Neck hair below your Adam apple is not beard they are chest hair. We usually don't shave chest hair but, this one grows on your neck and we don't want hair there. I mean, if some guy in your school is mocking you for that hair, he is probably just envious of your hair, sign of manlyness (as silly as it may sound), but then you must shave it off, as you'll look cuter and cleaner without. Your neck may become very hairy all over as time goes by, you may ask yourself where to stop shaving, how much of your neck to shave. Well, shave wherever you have hair or up to clavicle. If your front neck is fuzzy all over, shave it all over and stop at your clavicle, where your neck stops ;-). If you don't see many hairy neck around is because they shave them acurately. It doesn't hurt, just rinse and lather your neck and do it for last with a sharp blade.

Does male Brazilian waxing hurt?

Depends on technique and the wax. If you shave the hair is coarser for waxing and is much harder to remove the hair thus more painful. If your hair is soft and you don't shave its not that bad. Find someone who specializes in male brazilians and checking reviews is always a good thing. The hard wax is the best for male and female brazilians. Good Luck. A Pro Waxer in Las Vegas.