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E = ½mV² → V = √(2E/m)

The mass of a 1 N weight (on earth) is 1/9.8 kg


V = √(2*1/(1/9.8)) = √19.6 = 4.43 m/s

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1mo ago

To determine the speed of the 1N weight given its kinetic energy of 1J, we use the formula for kinetic energy: KE = 0.5 * m * v^2, where m is the mass (in kg) and v is the velocity (in m/s) of the object. Since KE = 1J and m = 1kg (1N weight), we can simplify to 1 = 0.5 * 1 * v^2, which gives us v^2 = 2. Therefore, the speed is √2 m/s or approximately 1.41 m/s.

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4y ago

4.43 m per


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Why does meiosis result 1N cells rather than 2N cells?

Meiosis is a two-step process that reduces the chromosome number by half, resulting in 1N cells. This reduction is necessary for sexual reproduction so that when the male and female gametes combine during fertilization, the resulting zygote has the correct 2N chromosome number.

What does gamete (1N) mean?

A gamete with a haploid number of chromosomes (1N) has one set of chromosomes. In humans, this means it has 23 chromosomes. Gametes are specialized sex cells (sperm or egg) that combine during fertilization to form a diploid zygote with two sets of chromosomes (2N).

Why is the number of chromosomes halved?

The number of chromosomes is halved during meiosis, the process of cell division that produces reproductive cells (sperm and eggs). This reduction in chromosome number is necessary to ensure that when the sperm and egg combine during fertilization, the resulting embryo has the correct number of chromosomes for the species.

What is a sperm composed?

what is it composed of? it has a flagella to help it move, and the head has half the genetic code (to be matched up with the egg) it is a 1n cell, upon meeting the egg, they make a diploid 2n cell.

Difference between formula weight and molecular weight?

Both formula mass and molecular mass refer to the mass of a compound relative to 1/12 of the mass of a Carbon-12 atom. However, molecular mass is specific to molecules – that is, only for a minimum of 2 atoms held together by covalent bonds. As an example, you can say that the molecular mass of water is 18. You can also say that the formula mass of water is 18. You can say that the formula mass of common table salt, NaCl, is 58.5, but it would be inaccurate to say that the molecular mass of NaCl is 58.5, since NaCl is not a molecule. The difference is not in numerical value but merely terminology.

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How many joules of potential energy does a 1N book gain when it is elevated 4m?

If Gravitational potential energy = weight X height, then the book should gain 4joules

How 1m hcl is equal to 1n hcl?

1M HCl means there is 1 mole of HCl in 1 liter of solution. To convert to 1N HCl, you need to consider the equivalent weight of HCl, which is its molecular weight as it is a monoprotic acid. So, in this case, 1M HCl is equivalent to 1N HCl.

How much weight is equal to 1N?

1 Newton is equal to the weight of approximately 102 grams on Earth.

What is the shutter speed on a canon eos 1n?

You can adjust the shutter speed of Canon EOS cameras so there isn't a set shutter speed.

Weight is measured in metric units called?

Newton: 1N= 1kg*m/s²

What is 1n in fraction form?


How can you feel a force of 1N?

You can feel a force of 1N by experiencing the sensation of a small weight or pull. For example, holding an apple in your hand or a light object resting on your palm applies a force of about 1N due to gravity.

When did albert Einstein get his last diploma?

1n 1901 1n 1901

How do you prepare 1N alcoholic koh solution?

To prepare a 1N alcoholic KOH solution, you will need to dissolve the appropriate amount of potassium hydroxide (KOH) pellets in a specific volume of anhydrous ethanol. First, calculate the molecular weight of KOH (39.10 g/mol) and then measure out the required weight to make a 1N solution. Once weighed, slowly add the KOH pellets into the anhydrous ethanol while stirring until fully dissolved. Check the final volume to ensure it reaches 1N concentration. Remember to handle KOH with care as it is caustic and generate heat when dissolving in ethanol.

Unit SI fo weight?

Weight is a force; its unit is the Newton (N). The Newton is derived from the SI units kilogram, meter and second: 1N equals 1 kg.m/s2

What is the final result in 1n somatic cell?

Genetically identical 1n somatic cells are the final result of the mitosis of a 1n somatic cell. Somatic comes from the Greek word soma, meaning body.

How does a haploid gamete get a 1n number of chromosomes and a 1n amount of DNA?

By the process of meiosis.