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A high concentration of H in the thylakoid compartment provides energy for the production of ATP and ATP synthase. ATP is responsible for the transportation of chemical energy within cells, which is necessary for metabolism.

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Q: A high concentration of H in the thylakoid compartment provides energy for what?
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What releases energy that is used to pump hydrogen ions from the stroma into the thylakoid compartment?

The electron transport chain releases energy in order to pump protons (hydrogen ions) from the stroma into the thylakoid compartment, creating a proton gradient within the thylakoid membrane.

What purpose does Thylakoid serve?

Thylakoid is a membrane-bound compartment inside cells known as chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. Thylakoid serve to facilitate the light-depended reactions of photosynthesis. They convert light and glucose to energy.

What is the function of the Thylakoid?

A thylakoid is a membrane compartment that is bound inside the chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. It is the site of the light-dependent reactions for the process of photosynthesis

What is the protein rich soln in the thycloid?

The protein-rich solution in the thylakoid is called the lumen. It is a fluid-filled compartment inside the thylakoid membrane where various proteins involved in photosynthesis are located. These proteins play important roles in capturing light energy and converting it into chemical energy.

How does the structure of chloroplast enables it to build up a concentration gradient of protons?

The membrane inside the thylakoid of the chloroplast pumps H+ ions from the outside compartment (stroma) to the inside (lumen). This builds the gradient. The electrons are pumped using energy released from a high energy electron which was energized through light absorption. This electron comes from the breakdown of water.

Were does the energy to move hydrogen ions across the thylakoid membrane come from?

where does the energy used to establish the proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane come from? In other words, from splitting of water. well that's not what he said but there you go.

How does the structure of the chloroplast enable it to build up a concentration gradient of protons?

The membrane inside the thylakoid of the chloroplast pumps H+ ions from the outside compartment (stroma) to the inside (lumen). This builds the gradient. The electrons are pumped using energy released from a high energy electron which was energized through light absorption. This electron comes from the breakdown of water.

Protons are moved into the thylakoid using energy from where?


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Explain how the light reactions would be affected if there were no concentration gradient of protons across the thylakoid membrane?

The concentration gradient of protons is potential energy and is harnessed by an enzyme called ATP synthase. ATP synthase converts the potential energy of the proton concentration gradient into chemical energy stored in ATP (the process is called chemiosmosis). So without the protons, no ATP would be made, and therefore no light reaction would occur.

Where does the energy to make ATP from ADP come from?

photosinthesis During the light reactions of photosynthesis, water is split to create free protons (hydrogen minus an electron) within the thylakoid. The increasing number of protons also transported across the thylakoid membrane by an electron transport system, establish a concentration gradient where many hydrogen are present inside the thylakoid, as compared to the number outside. The diffusion (chemiosmosis) of these protons through the enzyme ATP synthase provides the energy needed to allow for the condensation reaction which fixes the third phosphate group onto the ADP molecule.

Chlorophyll is embedded in this membrane?

They are embedded in the thylakoid membrane in the chloroplasts :-)