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Q: A method used to determine the karyotype of a fetus is called what?
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What type of picture would a biologist look at to determine whether a fetus has Down syndrome?

a Karyotype

What information can be obtained about a fetus from a karyotype?

Stuff..... :)

What can be done if a fetus with a defective karyotype is identified?


What is a karyotype and what two things can be determined from it?

A karyotype is the number, forms, and types of chromosomes in a cellDetermine whether the chromosomes of an adult have an abnormality that can be passed on to a child.Determine whether a chromosome defect is preventing a woman from becoming pregnant or causing miscarriages.Determine whether a chromosome defect is present in a fetus. Karyotyping also may be done to determine whether chromosomal problems may have caused a fetus to be stillborn.Determine the cause of a baby's birth defects or disability.Help determine the appropriate treatment for some types of cancer.Identify the sex of a person by determining the presence of the Y chromosome. This may be done when a newborn's sex is not clear.

Is there a prenatal diagnosis or test for Down syndrome?

Yes there are examination that can determine that a fetus has down syndrome.. called amniocentesis.

What is the embryo called after 8 weeks?

For the first 8 weeks the developing human is called an embryo after that it is called a fetus.

What is the developing baby called during the first trimester?

The embryonic period extends to the end of the eight week. After the embryonic period (8weeks), the developing human is called a fetus.

When a baby is unborn what is it called?


What can karyotypes determine?

Determine whether the chromosomes of an adult have an abnormality that can be passed on to a child.Determine whether a chromosome defect is preventing a woman from becoming pregnant or causing miscarriages.Determine whether a chromosome defect is present in a fetus. Karyotyping also may be done to determine whether chromosomal problems may have caused a fetus to be stillborn.Determine the cause of a baby's birth defects or disability.Help determine the appropriate treatment for some types of cancer.Identify the sex of a person by determining the presence of the Y chromosome. This may be done when a newborn's sex is not clear.

Can the complexion of your baby be determined before birth?

The procedure called amniocentesis can be used to obtain cell samples from inside the uterus, to determine the genetics of a fetus.

Are babies called fetus?

One unborn baby is called a fetus. More than one unborn baby in one mother's uterus are called fetuses. At the moment a fetus is born it is called a neonate-- or more commonly put, it is called a "baby" or "infant". But until it is born, it is a fetus.

What if you cant remember your last menstruation can an ultrasound determine how old the fetus is?

Yes, an ultrasound will see the growth of the fetus and usually if they see the size of it, they can determine how old the little one is. Congratulations by the way!