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oxygen by the why this is in Biology not chemistry

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Q: A specific molecule that diffuses into the blood of the lung?
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What gases are exchanged in the repitory ystem?

Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli of the lungs into the blood. Carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the alveoli of the lung where is will be exhaled.

What is taken from blood when it is pumped to the lung?

When blood is pumped to the lung, carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the alveolus. The pumonary artery carries the blood from the heart to the lungs.

What does oxygen diffuse into?

Oxygen diffuses from any place there is a lot of it to any place where there is less. In the body, it diffuses from the air in the alveoli of the lungs, through the lung and capillary walls and into the blood, where it is taken up by the haemoglobin of the red blood cells. When the bood reaches the body tissues it diffuses out of the blood and into the cells.

From the right side of the heart blood goes to this?

The blood that leaves the right side of the heart is passed into the pulmonary arteries. This blood is oxygenated in the lungs and passes through the pulmonary veins into the left side of the heart.

Where carbon dioxide comes from?

it comes from carbon oxidizing through fire. It also comes from a lot of other places. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of cellular respiration. It diffuses into the blood from the cells and travels to the lung where it is exhaled into the air.

What does perfusion of the lung involve?

absorpition of oxygen from the blood into the lung

Describe the pleural coverings of the lung and explain their purpose?

Each lung is suspended in its own pleural cavity and rests on the muscular diaphragm. The medial surface has a hilus (indentation) where the bronchi enter. Because of the shape and location of the heart, the lungs differ in size and shape. The left lung is smaller with 2 lobes, the right has 3 lobes. Lungs are mostly air spaces and connective tissue. The lung contains the air sacs where oxygen diffuses from air sacs into the blood vessels and waste carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood vessels into the air sacs. Each lung exists in a pleural cavity, a serous membrane compartment which prevents friction damage as the lungs expand and contract during breathing. The visceral pleura is the membrane fused to the outer surface of the lung; the parietal pleura is the membrane which lines the body wall. Between the two membranes in the pleural fluid. See related link for source.

The diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide into and out of the blood occurs in the?

If I'm not wrong, the O2 is carried from your lungs by red blood cells, then is passed to the muscles which need it through the walls of the blood vessels, while they take CO2 from the muscles to bring it back to the lungs to expel. So... it occurs through the bloodstream and the walls of the blood vessels (capillary vessels etc.)

What do your lung take out of your blood?

The lung takes carbon dioxide out of your blood and replaces it with oxygen.

What blood travels from the lung to the heart?

red blood

Where is the lung cell found?

In the lungs? Can you please be more specific. There are lung tissues and sacs that aid in gas exchange called alveoli, but there really isn't a specific lung cell.

What happens during gas exchange in the lung?

Gaseous exchange is the process where we get the oxygen we need into our bodies and the Carbon dioxide, that we produce during respiration, out. This process takes place in little sacks of the lungs called alveolus. These Alveolus have several features that encourage gasseos exchange to take place including moist, one cell thick walls. The gases move by the process of deffusion. Deffusion is when gasses spread from an area of high concentratio to low concentration. The oxygen diffuses into the blood and the carbon diffuses int the lung.(Red blood cells exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. -TRIP)Read more: What_happens_during_gas_exchange