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millions of cells

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Q: How many layers of cells does oxygen diffuse through before it reaches a red blood cell?
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The layers through which the respiratory gases diffuse are known as the?

Alveolar-capillary membrane

How is diffuse low back pain defined?

Diffuse pain is spread over a larger area and comes from deep tissue layers.

The earth reaches its perihelion in January the middle of winter for the US What fact would account for the cold weather in the northern hemisphere des?

The tilt of the earth makes the sun's rays come in at an angle, filtering it through layers of atmosphere before reaching the earth to warm it.

The Grand Canyon stretches how far into the Earths Layers?

It reaches a depth of 6,000 feet.

How many layers of hydrogen and helium in our sun?

I don't think layers is correct, fusion happens in the central part of the sun and the heat released reaches the surface by radiation and convection

When a rocket is launched which sequence of atmospheric layers does it travel through?

When a rocket is launched, it travels through atmosphere. It has to travel through all layers.

What is the source of light in a solar eclipse?

During the solar eclipse you see the corona and chromosphere of the sun, which are the outermost layers. These layers are very diffuse and their light is normally drowned out by that of the much brighter photosphere. During a total solar eclipse the photosphere is blocked from view, allowing you to see the dimmer layers.

Is lava hot enough to burn through rocks?

Lava is molten rock and could melt through thin layers of rock if given enough time before cooling.

How many layers does Frodo wear BEFORE he reached Rivendell?

4 Layers.

What happens to the rain when it reaches the surface?

If enough rain falls, upper layers of the soil will not be able to absorb all the water. When this happens , the water continues downward until it reaches an impermeable material.

What clouds extend through all layers?

The clouds that are known to extend through all the layers are the cumulonimbus clouds. They can do this because they are stacked vertically.

How does gaseous exchange occur in plant?

Gas exchange can occur in several ways for most plants. The leaves and young stems of plants have openings in the epidermis controlled by guard cells. The openings are called stomata. Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere will diffuse through the stomata and oxygen diffuses out into the air. They are normally open in the day light and closed at night. Trees with bark may have spongy layers in the bark called lenticels allowing gas exchange. Gas exchange will occur through the moist epidermal layers of the young roots. Oxygen from the soil will diffuse into the cells while carbon dioxide diffuses out of the cells into the soil. Plants submerged in water will have gases diffuse in and out of the cells from the water. Cypress trees have "knees" for obtaining oxygen in water logged soils. The knees emerge above the water into the air.