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Q: Almost every oxygen molecule in the air was produced by photosynthesis?
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What are the products that are produced in photosynthesis?

6 molecule of oxygen and water,1 molecule of glucose.

The source of oxygen produced during photosynthesis is?

splitting of water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen.

In which of photosynthesis is oxygen produced?

Formation of ATP by ATP syntheses releases a molecule of oxygen

What is the name of the molecule that's the source of oxygen produced during photosynthesis?

H2O is the molecule that is the source of oxygen from photosynthesis. It is important to note that the oxygen is a by-product of photosynthesis. Some chemical names for it includes hydrogen hydroxide and dihydrogen monoxide.

Is photosynthesis is the only way to balance oxygen in environment?

That is the major process. It generates almost every oxygen molecule

How many molecules of oxygen produced along with one molecules of sugar?

With the production of one molecule of sugar six molecules of oxygen are produced during photosynthesis.

Where does the oxygen produced in photosynthesis go?

The oxygen that is produced in photosynthesis goes into the air.

What compound and element is produced after photosynthesis?

Oxygen is the element produced after photosynthesis.

What molecule is during the light reaction of photosynthesis of release oxygen?

Water is the molecule that is split during the light reaction of photosynthesis when releasing oxygen.

What is the organic compound produced during photosynthesis?

There three molecules produced by photosynthesis. These molecules are oxygen gas, adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, or NADPH.

What inorganic molecule is required in photosynthesis?


What molecule is split during the light reactions of photosynthesis to release oxygen?

Water is the molecule that is split during the light reaction of photosynthesis when releasing oxygen.