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Q: Amino acids that are not yet part of a polypeptide are found in which part of the cell?
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A polypeptide found in the cytoplasm of a cell contains 12 amino acids How many nucleotides would be required in the mRNA for this polypeptide to be translated?

12 Because 1 nucleotide=1 Amino Acid.

Where RNA is turned into amino acids?

RNA is not turned into amino acids. The codons on the mRNA are translated by the anticodons on the tRNA in the cell's ribosomes. Each codon codes for production of a specific amino acid and these are then strung together to form a polypeptide chain (a protein). All of this takes place in the cell's ribosomes (organelles in the cytoplasm of the cell).

Where are amino acids found in a cell and how are they transported?


What is responsible for encoding the proteins found in a cell?


Where are amino acids in the cell?

Single amino acids are found in the cytoplasm of the cell. They are mainly useful in protein synthesis, although they have other uses.

How the genetic information is stored in a cell?

Gene stores information as a sequence of nucleotides, which codes for the sequence of amino acids that determine the formation of a specific polypeptide or protein.

What is the main function of ribosomes in an animal cell?

The function of ribosomes is to act as the site of protein synthesis, where amino acids are joined to form polypeptide chains.

Which cell organelle puts amino acids together in a specific order to make proteins?

This would be the function of the ribosomes. The ribosome assembles amino acids into proteins. Ribosomes are small structures made of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and protein. (RNA is a molecule similar in structure to DNA.) When cells need to make proteins, they copy the instructions for the protein from the DNA of the cell by making a molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA). The mRNA travels to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm of the cell. Another type of RNA molecule, called transfer RNA (tRNA) brings amino acids to the ribosome. The tRNA molecules decode the mRNA by binding to it, so that the tRNAs bring in the correct amino acids according to the instructions in the mRNA. The ribosome helps keep this whole process organized and helps form the bonds between the amino acids to create a chain of amino acids. A chain of amino acids is called a polypeptide chain. Polypeptide chains fold up to form proteins.

Which structure will become the product of translation?

The ribosome is the structure that facilitates translation in the cell. It reads mRNA and assembles a polypeptide chain by linking together amino acids in the correct order based on the instructions encoded in the mRNA.

Name and briefly describe 4 types of molecules found in a cell?

ATP RNA amino acids proteins including enzymes lipids carbohydrates including sugars

Peptide bonds between amino acids are formed primarily on the cell's?

Peptide bonds between amino acids are formed primarily on the cell's Ribosomes

What is peptidoglycan where is it found?

Peptidoglycan is a chemical found in most cell walls of plant cells. Peptidoglycan is a polymer consisting of sugars and amino acids that forms the cell wall.