

Amoeba move by using

Updated: 6/9/2024
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10y ago

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Amoebas move through the use of pseudopods. These are false feet that the amoebas change shape to create, use to move, and then reabsorb.

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1mo ago

Amoebas move by using pseudopods, which are temporary protrusions of their cell membrane. By extending and retracting these pseudopods, amoebas are able to change their shape and move towards sources of food or away from danger.

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13y ago

They move from their anatomy

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What is the difference between Amoeba and Paramecium?

paramecium- move with cilia amoeba- move by creeping along with their pseudopod's also, paramecium are larger.

How do Amoebra move?

Amoeba move by using false feet or pseudopod. They are able to change shape to create these simple feet and then absorb them after using the feet.

Is Amoeba an organism?

Yes, amoeba is an organism. It is a single-celled microorganism belonging to the group of protozoans. Amoebas can move and feed by engulfing food particles using pseudopods.

What type of movement does a amoeba use?

An amoeba moves through a process called amoeboid movement, using temporary extensions of its cell membrane called pseudopodia. These pseudopodia extend and contract to propel the amoeba in the direction it wants to move.

How fast can amoeba move?

An amoeba can move 2.6 billion light years. Hopes that this helps!!!!! =D

What body part allows amoeba to move?

The psuedopod is used to help the amoeba move, and also to eat. It is a part of the amoeba's body that it can stretch out and pull itself with.

Which if the three move the slowest a paramecium amoeba or euglena?

Amoebas move the slowest out of the three organisms (paramecium, amoeba, euglena). They use pseudopods to move and typically glide along surfaces at a slow pace.

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Does amoeba have flagella or cilia?

no, amoeba use pseudopods to move in any direction

What is an example of a sarcodine?

An example of a sarcodine is an amoeba. Amoebas are single-celled organisms that move and feed by using pseudopods, which are temporary extensions of their cell membrane. They are commonly found in freshwater environments.

List two heterotrophic protists that move?

Amoeba and Paramecium are examples of heterotrophic protists that are capable of movement. Amoebas move by extending their pseudopods, while Paramecium move using cilia.

What protistans move by the means of pseudopods?
