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Initially, leukemia symptoms may be similar to that of the flu, but as the illness progresses, the symptoms will get more severe, and additional symptoms may occur.

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Q: Are leukemia symptoms similar to the symptoms of other illnesses?
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What are the symptoms of hairy cell leukemia?

A few symptoms of hairy cell leukemia are easy bruising, excessive sweating, and fatigue. These symptoms can be be indicative of other health issues and should be checked out by a doctor.

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HIV symptoms are very similar to many other illnesses. Symptoms may include fatigue, weakness, coughing, fever, headaches, nausea, and pain. Only an HIV test can accurately determine if you have that disease.

What is an adjective for leukemia?

The adjective form is leukemic, which pertains to the condition itself (e.g. leukemic anemia). The noun is used as a noun adjunct with other nouns as in leukemia treatment, leukemia patients, and leukemia symptoms.

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fatigue, nausea, vomiting, easy bruising and bleeding, fevers/chills, night sweats. There is nothing different in symptoms from radiation-induced leukemia from other origins of leukemia.

Does Nausea and fever mean food poisoning?

It could, but other illnesses have those symptoms, too.

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There are no accepted tissue or brain imaging tests or techniques to diagnose. Instead, physicians look for the hallmark signs and symptoms.and they attempt to rule out other illnesses or conditions that may produce similar symptoms.

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The symptoms of Myleodysplasia Syndrome are similar to those of anemia. these include fatigue, shortness of breath, general weakness, and pale skin. These symptoms may also indicate myelogenous leukemia, other symptoms of which include weight loss, mild depression, and loss of appetite. These symptoms however can be associated with a number of other problems and should be investigated by an experienced medical professional.

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Feline Leukemia is a type of cancer found in cats. The cancer damages the cat's immune system and can make them vulnerable to other diseases. Symptoms during the acute stage of the disease include: fever, lethargy, vomiting, and swollen lympth nodes.

What other disease can have the same symptoms as chlamydia?

Gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis can have very similar symptoms.

What vital signs or symptoms do the two babies exhibit?

One has cancer and the other one has leukemia. You're so dumb. You have to specify your question.

What other illnesses can the symptoms of kidney stones be confused with?

One of the most intense and scary illnesses that can be mistaken for kidney stones is Crohn's Disease. Beyond that, other conditions could be acute appendicitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcers, and diverticulitis.

What are the most notable signs of diabetes?

The two most common symptoms are increased urination and excessive thirst. Other symptoms may include weight fluctuation, blurred vision, recurring illnesses, tender gums, and others similar to the flu. These symptoms are generally ignored because most are minimal but the earlier this disease is caught the better so try not to ignore them.