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Bacterial generation time is the time is takes for a bacteria to double in quantity. An example of slow growing would be Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (24 hours) and fast growing would be E. Coli (about 20 minutes).

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Q: Bacterial Generation time and example of fast growing bacteria and slow growing bacteria?
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2. The bacteria may release a substance that prevents mold growth.

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What is the cause for bacteria to grow?

The cause for bacterial growth depends on what the bacteria is growing upon. Usually the case may be having something stored at higher temperature when it should not be, or leaving food out that needed to be stored in a cooler. Bacteria live off dead and decomposing material, this is how they live and reproduce.

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A container that has growing bacteria must be closed and/or sealed to prevent contamination by other bacteria.

How do antiseptics work to kill bacteria?

You use them on your hands to kill bacteria. Examples are Hand sanitizers, or soap now how they work to kill them is another question, well they for example inactivate the bacteria remove them make the bacteria "blowup", and they can stop bacteria from growing.

What are the significance of bacterial growth curve in food preservation?

Well bacterial growth curve give simply the time vs no of cell curve which can be consider for different bacteria that at which temprature and pH they can stop growing, which would help in preserving food.

Why did bacteria in the agar dish turn yellow?

to see time fly! You may be referring a bacterial transformation experiment. If so, the bacteria turns color to indicate that the DNA that was transferred to the bacteria is being expressed and the transformation was successful. If you are referring to the natural color of bacteria growing in large colonies on agar, that beige color is their natural color only visible when they are growing in colonies by the millions. The yellow color could also be a fungus which has contaminated your plate which happens often in a non-sterile classroom environment. Never open a petri dish after bacterial growth or fungal growth is evident.

Does the stench produced by my agar plates mean bacteria is growing?

Yes bacterial colonies growing on agar plates tend to metabolize the medium leaving "fermented" waste products that are generally of foul odor. You should also be able to spot clusters of spots forming to confirm this hypothesis