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Q: Bending a joint is what kind of movement?
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Demonstrate movement at two joints that are uniaxial?

Flexion ( is a typical of hinge joint ) bending the knee or elbow

What kind of joint movement is neck?

yes movement and nodding

What kind of synovial joint is formed by the first two cervical vertebrae?

The kind of synovial joint form is the hinge joint, because of its primary uniaxial range of movement (as in shaking your head "yes") There is also a small amount of side to side bending which can be done, and rotation is possible at this joint.

What kind of joint that provides limited movement?

a kinds of joints that provides limited movement

What is movement during which the knees or elbows are bent to decrease the angle of the joint?

Flexion is movement during which the knees or elbows are bent to decrease the angle of the joint

What happens to your muscles when your joint is bent?

When a joint is bent, the muscles around that joint contract and shorten. This causes the joint to move, resulting in the bending or flexing of the joint. The specific muscles involved and the degree of contraction depend on the joint and the movement being performed.

What is the medical term meaning decreasing an angle as in bending a joint?

Flexing is the medical term meaning decreasing an angle as in bending a joint.

Does more movement make a joint stronger?

Generally, the more you exercise and bend a joint, the stronger it gets. Exercise helps strengthen the muscles that help support the joint, so you are less likely to get injured. Bending a joint also helps to circulate the synovial fluid which transports nutrients within the joint.

In performing any given movements such as bending the leg at the knee joint the muscles performing actual movement are called the prime movers or?

gluteus medius

What joint allows you to bend your neck?

Your sliding joint allows your spine to bending or stretching

What kind of joint is found between the distal tibia and fibula?

The joint between the distal tibia and fibula is a syndesmosis. It does not allow for much movement.

Contracting muscle responsible for bending a limb or joint?
