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No, I would not blame the sodas directly but if you are suffering from a yeast infection which could very well be the smell, then the sugar in the soda drinks are feeding the yeast infection and causing the smell.

Do you have a discharge?

If you can help it, try and cut back on these types of drinks, or even better, don't drink them at all, they are no good for your health.

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Q: Can dark sodas cause someone's vagina to smell bad?
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Why black woman have strong smell in the vagina?

You know I have come across this topic several times now, and what I cant seem to figure out is why does someone assume that black woman are the only ones that have a odor down stairs. Any woman regardless of her race will carry a not so favorable aroma in the neither region if her personal hygiene is not up to par. There are several factors that can contribute to a vagina not smelling so fresh. It can be personal Hygiene is not great, such as not taking the time to bath daily, and the vagina is a area where every woman needs to wash everyday with mild soap and warm/hot water. It can be that she has a vaginal/Std infection that she is ignoring that needs checking out. Diet Diet Diet is another factor, what you put in your body can be Major Catastrophe if you are eating junk all the time. If you are someone that drinks sodas all the time and ,not drinking water , and also eating lots of junk food this can be a factor. Stop drinking all of those sodas which will contribute to a nasty UTI most likely which will also cause you to smell downstairs. Drinking water ,cranberry juice, pineapple juice and eating lots of fruits and veggies will help to keep the vagina ph nice and healthy and odor free.

Buying only one instead of two sodas during lunchtime describes what concept?


How does Coca-Cola affect the bones?

Carbonated sodas have alot of phosphoric acid in them, this chemical has been shown to (in crude terms) eat away at the bone material. But unless your drinking 4 or more(not exact and depends on your diet) sodas a days its negligible and the calcium that you ingest in your regular diet is counteracting that effect.

What does it mean if you have a throbbing pain down your left arm?

**I can not say that I have the answer either, but I was wondering if anyone else has been enduring the same or similar discomfort that I've listed below... Okay, I've been experiencing tightening of my lower left arm for about 1 month now, and I'm still not quite sure as to what could be causing such discomfort... It seems worst everytime I go to eat a meal or intake any sort of fluid (incl. caffeinated sodas, caffeine-free sodas to water). What should I do to prevent this from happening as much? What do you believe it to be? Thank you, Amber

Man made resources?

A man-made resource is anything you use that isn't naturally existent. Examples might be toilet paper, sodas , snacks, houses, cars, money, etc. tf

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Do sodas cause pimples?

Yes. Soda contains a lot of sugar.

Why does sodas and mento' s explode?

It explodes cause of a chemical reaction.

Why can drinking to many sodas cause urine to be bright yellow?

Because soda dehydrates you

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What can cause eroded tooth enamel?

Acid drinks (sodas and fruit juices) Bacterial acid Mechanical abrasion

Which sodas explode which sodas don't explode?

When a sealed can or bottle is overheated this can explode; but the phenomenon is not specific for sodas.

Does Pepsi cause tooth decay?

All Sodas can over a long period of time. I would say that coke would cause faster decay than pepsi.

Do carbonated drinks cause weight gain?

They may not hinder weight loss, but they will cause bloating. This can appear as though weight is not being lost, as the stomach will be consistently bigger than it should be.

What are some sodas?

they are something you drink and buy at a store.they are call sodas!

Which sodas have brominated vegetable oil in it?

Almost all citrus sodas

What substances cause tooth decay?

Bubbly Sodas, candy, and pretty much anything sugary will slowly eat away at your teeth.