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Have flagellated zoospores, whereas most fungi lack flagella

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Q: Chytrids had previously been classified with protists because they?
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How do you think scientists classified protists when they divide all livings things into only 2 kingdoms?

They classified protists into the animal kingdom because they shared more similarities. Protists became their own kingdom in the 1830s. The protists kingdom expanded in 1845.

What stops scientist from classifying plantlike protists as plants?

Plant like protists cannot be classified as plants because unlike plants, some plant like protists use chemicals to produce food which makes the protists look different colors.

Which phyla of protists is characterized by animals that swim using flagella?

Thee protists are classified in the Zoomastigophora phylum.

Describe three ways that protist differ from each other?

Protists are the miscellaneous group out of the six kingdom, so as long as they are eukaryotic they are protist. They can be heterotrophs or autotrophs, they can be multicellular or single-celled

What is one reason why the classification of protists in one kingdom is difficult?

One reason it is difficult to classify protists in to a single kingdom is because protists include a vast selection of organisms that are not necessarily related. The method of movement and their habitat can vary greatly.

Why are protists not classified as plants or animals?

Because bacteria are prokaryotes, no nucleus and no membrane bound organelles, while protists are eukaryotes with both a nucleus and many membrane bound organelles.

Why are protists and monerans placed in separate kingdoms?

because there is a true nucleus in the protists Monera do not have a true nucleus other organism have nucleus

Which organisms are in the same kingdom because they cannot form organs?


Is protista unicellular and multicellular?

Multicellular protists are grouped with unicellular protists because multicellular protists are very similar to unicellular protists. A protist is any organism that is not a plant, an animal, a fungus, or a prokaryote.

Is euglena eukaryote or prokaryote?

Euglena (and other protists) are Eukaryotic

What are the six phyla of plant like protists?

There are more than 15. I counted 51 but it is probably more by now because my list is a little old (1995). They are divided into groups but there are 16 groups on my list Chromobionts, Chlorobionts, Euglenozoa, Rhodophytes, Cryptomonads, Dinozoa, Chytrids, Choanoflagellates, Polymastigotes, Rhizopod sarcodines, Actinopod sarcodines, Microsporidia, Haplosporidia, Apicomplexans, Myxozoa and Ciliates.means of locomotion.

What protists would be considered algae?

Algae are protists because they have some of the same organelles. They also are actually called plant like protists. They are still in the protists kingdom though. Protists are microscopic. But, algae is not microscopic. It is confusing but algae is in the Protists Kingdom. Algae also has call walls.