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Q: Class of compounds formed of 50 to thousands of amino acids?
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An azlactone is any of a class of organic compounds formed by the cyclization of N-acyl-α-amino acids.

Is acid a mixture?

No. Acids are a class of compounds.

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Many lipids are formed when a glycerol molecule combines with compounds?

Many lipids are formed when a glycerol molecule combines with compounds called fatty acids.

Which class does ATP belong to out of the four classes of organic compounds?

Nucleic Acids

Many lipids formed when glycerol molecule combines with compounds called?

fatty acids.

What chemical compounds is formed when the four amino acids are joined?

protein (or polypeptide).

What is it that forms when acids react with carbonate compounds?

After this reaction a salt, carbon dioxide and water are formed.

How are salt formed?

Salts are the products of reactions between an acid and a base; For examole for sodium chloride: NaOH + HCl = NaCl + H2O Another reaction, possible only in laboratory, is; 2Na + Cl2 = 2NaCl

What is an ester in terms of chemistry?

It is a group of chemical compounds. Esters are always formed by the reaction of acid and alcohol. There can be esters of organic acids and inorganic acids

What do proteins nucleic acids and carbohydrates all have in common?

They are all organic compounds, that is they contain carbon. They all contain hydrogen and oxygen too. Proteins and nucleic acids additionally have nitrogen, and nucleic acids have phosphorus. In addition, proteins, nucleic acids and polysaccharides like starch (but not simple sugars) are macromolecules.

What complex organic compounds where formed from the chemical combinations of these simple organic compounds called amino acids?

Amino Acids are considered the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are the basic molecular structures that lead to complex living forms.