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Q: Control the immune response by shutting down the production of antibodies in antibody immunity and the production of killer t cells in cell mediated immunity?
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What controls the immune response by shutting down the production of antibodies in antibody immunity and the production of killer t cells in cell-mediated immunity?

supressor t cells

Is Acquired Immunity the same as Humoral Immunity?

Actually acquired immunity consists of "humoral immunity" and "cell mediated immunity. Acquired immunity is the same with adaptive immunity, it is when the antibodies are produced within the bodies after the exposure of pathogen. Humoral immunity secreted antibodies while cell mediated immunity involves in production of T lymphocytes.

What are mediators of Humoral immunity?

Humoral immunity is mediated by antibodies.

What basic principles of antibody-mediated immunity are utilized in an ELISA assay?

The basic principles are; antibodies will be produced in any signs of infection, or abnormality. Then these antibodies are desiged specifically to target, and bind to specfic antigens.

Antibody and cell-mediated immunity are considered to be forms of what immunity?

active active B for plato users

Why is LY number important in your blood test?

T cell mediated immunity and B cell immunity (Antibody secretion.

What cells types are specifically responsible for cell mediated immunity?

The b cells are specifically responsible for cell mediated immunity.

How could an antibody cause a problem in a transplant?

Antibodies can cause rejection of the donor organ/ tissue within minutes if the person receiving the organ already had antibodies against the donor. Rejection of donated blood involves antibodies which form the basis of the immune response triggered by the donation. Rejection of a donated kindey or heart involves both antibodies and cell mediated immunity.

Comparison of humoral and cell mediated immune response?

Humoral immunity is effected by antibodies produced by plasma cells toward a specific foreign antigen. Cellular immunity does not directly involve antibodies, but refers to cellular destruction of alien cells/tissues by production of cytotoxins locally, typically the latter are produced by T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells.

Why does cell-mediated immunity decrease at puberty?

why do cell-mediated immunity decrease at puberty

Can a pathogen provoke a cell mediated response and an antibody mediated response?


What is natural active immunity?

Active immunity involves the production of antibodies (by B lymphocytes) and cell-mediated response (with T lymphocytes). It renders relatively longer immunity (compared to passive immunity). Active immunity may be natural or artificial.This type of active immunity is said to be natural because the immunity is induced not by deliberate exposure (such as vaccination). The individual has developed immunity to a live pathogen by having been exposed to it and by developing a primary immune response that led to immunological memory.