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Q: Damage to the medial recti muscles would probably affect?
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What are the medial muscles of the femoral region?

What are the medial muscles of the femoral region?

What would Damage to the medial recti muscles affect?

This is one of the muscles that move the eye, if it was damaged, you would be unable to move your eye medially (toward the center of your body also called adduction) and the eyes would be pulled outward due to the lateral rectus not being opposed by its normal antagonist muscle.

Which muscles elevate and retract the mandible?

Temporalis, Masseter and the Medial Pterygoid

What do you call the muscle responsible for mastication or chewing?

You use at least 4 muscles to chew; the one you're probably looking for is the masseter. It's assisted by the temporalis and the medial and lateral pterygoids to complete the grinding. Of course there are other muscles that help too, like your tongue and cheek muscles.

What muscles are in the tripod muscles?

sartorious (anterior), gracilis (medial), semimembraneous (posterior)

What do the muscles on the medial side of the femur do?

You and adductor compartment on the medial side of the femur. The main muscles are adductor magnus, adductor longus and adductor brevis. These muscles adduct the thigh. They are very important muscles for horse rider.

List the muscles of the quad in order from most lateral to medial?

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Muscles that helps you chew?

Muscles involved in chewing are the masseteres, temporalis, and medial and lateral pterygoids.

What do the muscles that attach to the medial epicondyle control?

They control the elbow.

Which of the muscles spans from the ASIS to the medial side of the knee?


Select the correct list of the muscles that comprise the hamstrings group.?

Biceps femoris (lateral); semimembranosus (medial-ish), semitendinosus (medial).

What muscles are used to masticate?

Mastication, or chewing, involves a total of four muscles. These muscles are the masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, and lateral pterygoid.