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Q: What muscle is the main antagonist of medial rotation of the humerus?
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Teres major antagonist?

The teres major muscle functions in both adduction and medial rotation of the humerus. The antagonists of this muscle are those which abduct the humerus and rotate it externally. The infraspinatus, posterior deltoid, and teres minor all function as antagonists of the teres major.

Name the insertion of the primary muscle used?

The deltoid muscle is muscle used to move your arm. The deltoid's insertion is at the deltoid tuberosity of humerus. The deltoid is responsible for flexion and medial rotation of the humerus.

What is the antagonist of the anterior deltoid muscle?

The antagonist of teres minor is: To medial rotation: latissimus dorsi, long head of triceps, pectoralis major, subscapularis. In Extension of humerus: latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoid and long head of triceps

The infraspinatus muscle is a muscle that moves the?

lateral rotation of humerus (upper arm)

What is the antagonist muscle to the gluteus maximus?

TFL does hop joint Flexion Abduction Medial rotation so you just need to find a muscle that does Extension adduction, and lateral rotation Gluteus Maximus does all those actions

What is the insertion of the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle?

Medial epicondyle of humerus and ulna <3

A muscle that inserts on the greater tubercle of the humerus is most likely involved in what?

lateral rotation

What does the Tensia fascia late muscle do?

the tensia fascia muscle does abduction, medial rotation and flexion of the hip joint

What is the primary action of the deltoids?

Elevation of the humerus and slight medial roataion of the shoulder. The anterior deltiod is a semi-weak muscle.

Where is the supraspinatus muscle originates in the medial rotation of the scapula?

Center of the shoulderblade and attaches to the spine.

The deltoid muscle is responsible for what primary movement?

Elevation of the humerus and slight medial roataion of the shoulder. The anterior deltiod is a semi-weak muscle.

What is the antagonist for the supinator?

The antagonist for the supinator muscle is the pronator teres muscle. These muscles work in opposition to each other to produce rotation of the forearm.