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DNA Sequencing

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Q: Determining the exact order of nucleotides in DNA is called?
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What is meant by pyrosequencing?

It is common knowledge that pyrosequencing is a method of DNA sequencing (determining the order of nucleotides in DNA) based on the "sequencing by synthesis" principle.

what are the monomers  of DNA?

The monomers of DNA are called nucleotides, and the polymer is a polynucleotide.There are four different nucleotides in DNA called A, T, G, and C for the nitrogenous base sidegroup (adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine respectively) attached to the sugar-phosphate backbone (deoxyribose-phosphate) of a nucleotide. These nucleotides can be joined in any order, permitting the "spelling" of an unlimited number of different genetic "words".

The genetic code on DNA depends on the order of?

The DNA message depends upon the order of the 4 nucleotides available. These nucleotides arrange into specific patterns based on genetic information.

What is the order of a gene's code?

the sequence of nucleotides

What does the order of nuclotides code for?

Nucleotides (A,T,C,G) are read in groups of three during transcription and translation. These groups of three nucleotides are called "codons". The codon codes for one of the 20 amino acids found in mammals. Amino acids are assembled in a chain to form a protein. So, the order of the nucleotides determines the composition and form of the desired protein.

The function of the 4 nucleotides found in DNA?

The nucleotides themselves don't have a direct function but the order in which they appear within a gene determines the sequence of amino acids and therefore the specific type of protein that it codes for.

How do nucleotides cause living things to differ from on another?

the reason is that each living thing has a different order of nucleotides in its DNA

The genetic information is coded in DNA by?

The sequence of the nucleotides.

Nucleotides are used to make up units of three?

Absolutely Yes, Life Depends Upon It. Nucleotides grouped in 3's are called ' triplet codons '. The four nucleotides, ATC&G, read as triplet codons, determine the order of amino-acids that are sequentially added to a nascent (growing) protein chain. See Proteins and Dna.

What cuts bacterial plasmids?

Enzymes called restriction endonucleases can cut plasmids. However, in order for a cut to be produced, the plasmid should contain a specific sequence of nucleotides called the restriction site

How long must a DNA sequence be in order to be unique?

32 nucleotides

What is a genome and why is it so important?

A genome is the sequence of all nucleotides in an order.