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Q: Did chromosomes are contained within brain cell sperm cell and blood cell?
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What is found within the dural sinuses of the brain?

Venous blood

How many chromosomes are in the brain cell?

23 pairs and 46 in all like any other body cell except gametes and red blood cells (blood cells have no chromosomes because they have no nucleus hope this helps

How does a stroke causes brain damage?

A stroke is a injury within the brain. There are two basic types; ischemic and hemorrhagic. In an ischemic stroke, a blockage in a blood vessel occurs within the brain, cutting off the flow of blood carrying oxygen and sugars to the brain tissue. In a hemorrhagic stroke, a blood vessel has burst within the brain, flooding an area of brain tissue. Depending on the area affected within the brain, there could be many different affects. Stroke victims frequently experience physical weakness in one or more extremity, or difficulty speaking or seeing.

What secures the brain within the skull?

a liquid in the skull keeps the brain a float and blood vessles leading into the brain secures it hope it helps ;)

How many chromosomes is in a chickens brain cell?

39 pairs of chromosomes or 78 chromosomes

What vitamin contained in brain?


Who compose the brain?

The brain consists of gray matter (40%) and white matter (60%) contained within the skull. Brain cells include neurons and glial cells.The brain has three main parts: the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem (medulla).

What do we call the fluid that is enclosed within the venous sinuses?

The fluid that is in the dural venous sinuses is venous blood that originates from the brain or cranial cavity. They collect blood from veins on the surface of the brain. Blood from the sinuses empties into the internal jugular veins

Which body cavity protects the spinal column?

The dorsal cavity is contained in the skull and vertebral column. The brain is located within the skull, and the spinal cord is located within the vertebral column. The brain and spinal cord are both encased in bone to protect them from injury.

What is ischemic stroke?

A "stroke" is an illness of the brain, the equivalent of a heart attack. There are two general types of strokes. An "ischemic" stroke or a "transient ischemic attack" is a blockage of the flow of blood within the brain. This is typically caused by a blood clot within the brain. If small enough, in a "TIA", the clot is washed away or dissolved, with little aftereffects. A larger or longer-lasting blockage can cause substantial death of brain tissue. The other type is a "hemmorhagic" stroke, in which a blood vessel bursts and blood leaks into the brain.

Can virchow robins space kill you?

No, but inflammation and infection within this space can. Virchow-Robin spaces are the spaces surrounding blood vessels within the brain.

What has the neuron got to do with the brain?

So, neurons are in the blood vessels. blood vessels originate from the brain. So, the main source of the cardiovascular system starts with the brain. Then arteries and veins spread all over the human body. and neurons lie within the vessels.