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Chaining is a teaching technique that consists of breaking a task down into small steps and then teaching each specific step within the sequence by itself. This technique is helpful when students need to learn a routine task that is repetitive. For example, the student may need to learn all of the steps in the process of using the bathroom, putting on a coat or completing a work task.

There are two types of chaining techniques: "forward chaining" and "backward chaining."

The forward chaining technique moves a student from the first part of the task to the end. The backward chaining technique moves a student from the last part of the task to the beginning. The decision to use either a forward chaining" or backward chaining" is dependent on the student and the task. An analysis of the task and the students ability level will help the teacher decide which chaining procedure is the best method of teaching the task.

The chaining technique is part of a larger concept of behavior intervention called applied behavioral analysis. The student is taught a task through the use of the behavioral technique of chaining and then reinforced for completion (click here to see other behavior interventions). In order for the chaining technique to be used appropriately, the task that the student is unable to complete must first be broken down into small steps. The process of breaking those steps down is called "task analysis."

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