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Generally water plants do not have stomata, they also lack cuticle and C3 plants.Desert plants have both and commonly C4 plants.Water plants have short roots while desert plants have long roots running deep in soil.

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10y ago
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1mo ago

Water plants are adapted to grow in aquatic environments, with characteristics such as thin leaves to absorb nutrients from the water and specialized structures to float or anchor in water. In contrast, desert plants are adapted to arid conditions, with features like thick, waxy leaves to reduce water loss, deep roots to access underground water, and mechanisms to store water for prolonged dry periods.

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11y ago

Each species of plant is unique in size, shape, and form.

There are a few plants which are carnivorous and some can live underwater.

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15y ago

Water plantss dont need water.

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12y ago

The soil has nutrition that plants need.

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Q: Difference between water plants and desert plants?
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How are the plants in a desert ecosystem most likely to differ from the plants in a rain forest ecosystem?

Plants in a desert ecosystem are likely to have adaptations to conserve water, such as thick waxy coatings or small leaves, while plants in a rainforest ecosystem will have adaptations for high moisture levels, like broad leaves or aerial roots. Desert plants also often have deeper root systems to reach water sources underground, whereas rainforest plants may rely more on shallow roots to access nutrients in the topsoil.

Do desert plants or rain forest plants have more stomata?

Typically, desert plants have fewer stomata compared to rainforest plants. This adaptation helps reduce water loss through transpiration in the arid desert environment. Rainforest plants have more stomata to facilitate gas exchange for photosynthesis in the moist, humid conditions.

Water lilies do not grow in the desert sand because water availitbility to these plants in a desert is what?

Water lilies require a continuous supply of water to survive, and desert environments typically lack sufficient water for these plants to thrive. The low water availability in deserts would make it difficult for water lilies to establish and grow in the sandy soil.

Are there large or small plants in a desert biome?

Desert biomes can have both large and small plants. Large plants in deserts, like cacti and Joshua trees, are adapted to store water and survive in arid conditions. Small plants, such as shrubs and grasses, have shallow roots to quickly absorb water after rare rainfall events. Both types of plants have evolved various adaptations to thrive in desert environments.

Do desert plants have vacuoles?

Yes, desert plants have vacuoles. Vacuoles are present in plant cells and play a crucial role in storing water, nutrients, and waste products, which is particularly important for desert plants to survive in arid environments.

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What is the difference between water and water in plants?

sucrose contains sugars

Why are plants generally few and far between in the desert?

Because the desert is too arid for them to survive.

Why do desert plants need to water store?

Succulent plants and cacti need to store as much water whenever the rain should happen to fall. As the rain may be far between in desert areas, storing water is vital to help the plants to survive.

What is the difference between the woods and the desert?

There are several differences between woods and desert. One major difference is trees. Another is that deserts are typically very dry, while forests need to have consistent access to water in order to keep the plants alive. Deserts often also have plants (not all of them are pure sand), but the plants are things that can survive with inconsistent water, like cacti.

What is the difference between wadi and an oasis?

An oasis is a small area in the desert which has a permanent water source that allows more plants to grow. A wadi is the same as an arroyo or gully or wash - a dry water course that only has water flowing after a significant rainfall.

What type of plants grow without water?

Desert plants

What desert has water and plants growing in it?

Nearly every desert has water somewhere, sometimes underground, and nearly all deserts have some plants growing in them.

How are the plants in a desert ecosystem most likely to differ from the plants in a rain forest ecosystem?

Plants in a desert ecosystem are likely to have adaptations to conserve water, such as thick waxy coatings or small leaves, while plants in a rainforest ecosystem will have adaptations for high moisture levels, like broad leaves or aerial roots. Desert plants also often have deeper root systems to reach water sources underground, whereas rainforest plants may rely more on shallow roots to access nutrients in the topsoil.

What do plants need a lot of water?

desert plants with long roots require less water.

How are desert plants different from plants?

Desert plants have evolved to store water. They have needles instead of leaves. They have spongy stems to store water. They only flower in times of good rain.

Why are plants generally few and far and between in a desert?

The desert receives little rainfall and plants have to compete for what little falls. They grow a distance for their neighbors to avoid competition and have a better chance of surviving.

A place in the desert where there are water and plants?

An oasis is an area of the desert where water can be found.An oasis is an area of the desert where water can be found.