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Q: Do Enzymes increase or decrease the Activation Energy of a Chemical Reaction?
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What will change when a catalyst is added to a chemical reaction?

A catalyst speeds up the rate of reaction, and lower the activation energy needed.

Do catalysts decrease or increase energy required to begin a reaction?

Catalysts decrease activation energy.

How does activation energy affect chemical reactions?

The Arrhenius equation is: Ea = -RT ln(k/A) where Ea - activation energy R - universal gas constant ln - logarithm k - speed constant T - temperature in kelvins

A catalyzed reaction will have a activation energy and this leads to a in the reaction rate. A) lower decrease B) lower increase C) higher decrease D) higher increase?


What it will change adding a catalyst to a chemical reaction?

It will increase or decrease the speed of the chemical reaction.

Is it true that catalysts increase the activation energy needed to start a chemical reaction?

Catalysts actually lower the activation energy needed to start a chemical reaction. This makes the reaction happen more easily.

Catalysts are that increase the rate of a chemical reaction?


How does catalyst affect the activation energy of chemical reaction?

The presence of a catalyst affects the activation energy of a reaction by lowering the activation energy, helping the reaction go faster and making it so the reaction does not have to use as much energy to fulfill the products.

How does a enzyme increase the speed of a reaction?

The enzyme reduces the activation energy of the reaction, therefore chemical reaction speeds are increased.

Can enzymes increase the rate of chemical reaction by lowering activation energy barriers?

That's the way they do it

Does a catalyst decrease or increase the activation energy required?

The catalyst decrease the needed activation energy.

What are catalysts that slow down a reaction?

The catalysts can be used to increase or decrease the speed of a chemical reaction. The catalysts which reduce the speed of a reaction are called negative catalysts. They decrease the speed of the reaction by increasing the activation energy of the reaction.