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no your eyes set with regimortis

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Q: Do a person's pupils adjust for light after death?
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Why cant you see less when your pupils get smaller?

Because your pupils adjust to the light and when there is more light your pupils get smaller and when there isn't much light your pupils get bigger .

What happens if you have slow pupils?

If you have slow pupils it probably takes longer for you to adjust to the light and dark.

Are eyes of a fish same as an human eye?

No. Normally human eyeballs have their pupils behind their iris so that the eye can adjust to light but fish eyes have their pupils protruding through the iris so that it cannot adjust its eyes to light.

How do you asses PERRLA?

with the use of a pen light assess for the dilatation of a persons pupils

Why is it that when there is sudden darkness the sight is not clear?

your eyes are trying to adjust to the amount of light . when there is lots of light, your pupils get smaller and when there is not enough light, your pupils get larger. therefore, when a bright light turns off and leaves you in sudden darkness., your pupils are widening to adjust to the amount of light it needs to let in. TRY IT YOUSELF: -make the room dark -stand in front of a mirror with a flashlight -shine the light in your eye and watch your pupil close up -then shine the light into the mirror (away from your eye but still so you can see it) and -watch your pupil get larger

What happens when the pupils doesn't change size what happens if they remain large and why does they remain large?

Dilated pupils not responding to light occurs in deep coma and death. The iris doesn't contract, thus pupils fail to automatically respond to light.

Do you have to think about it when you want the size of your pupil to change?

No; the change in the size of your pupil is an involuntary action, meaning that it happens without you thinking about it. The size of your pupils adjust to stimuli, such as bright light. If a bright light was shined in your eyes, your pupils would get smaller in order to let as little light in as possible. Reversely, if you're in a dark room, your pupils will get bigger to let in as much light as possible.

Why can't you see after the lights go out?

It takes a few seconds for your pupils to adjust. In the dark your pupils open very wide to catch all the available light and they contract in high light levels (like sunlight) This adjustment takes up to a few seconds.

One of the signs of death is that the pupils don't respond to light If you try this and notice that one of the pupils is blown meaning it is dilated and the other isn't what does this mean the m?

A blow to the head

Why do your pupils constrict?

Pupils constrict in response to bright light to reduce the amount of light entering the eye and protect the sensitive retina from potential damage. Conversely, pupils dilate in dim lighting conditions to allow more light into the eye for improved vision in low-light environments.

Why do owls pupils get bigger?

Owl's pupils get bigger because there pupils react to movement and light causing them to enlarge there pupils.

Can tiny pupils come from eye problems?

no if your pupils are tiny it just means your in the light. your pupils change sizes due to the light. If your in a dark room the will be big if your in a light room they will be smaller.