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If animal cells are placed in distilled water they will absorb water by the process called osmosis. This will make the cell swell and, if it doen not stop, eventually burst. Plant cells placed in distilled water will also absorb water by osmosis but the cell wall prevents them from swelling. Water enters the cells by osmosis because the concentration of the solution inside the cells is higher than that of the 'solution' outside. Water always moves by osmosis from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution (when they are separated by a membrane which lets water through but not dissolved substances). For a good introduction to osmosis see:

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Q: Do animal cell and plant cell get bigger in distilled water?
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Why do plant cells have bigger valcules than animal cell?

Plant cells have bigger vacuoles filled with cell sap. When you water a plant, the water collects in the vacuole and makes it stiff. This is why plants wilt if they don't get enough water.

What happens when you water a plant with distilled water?

it grows

Can a plant grow in salt water or distilled water?

Some plants do benifit from salt in the water but you can experiment with distilled water for your plants.

Does a plant grow better watered with well water distilled water or tap water?

Tap water. Distilled water contains no salts and therefore no nutrition for the plant. In reality distilled water would not be able to be absorbed by osmosis into the root system of the plant - as osmosis relies on the differences in concentration of minerals dissolved in the water to work.

What term describes the condition of plant cells after being placed in distilled water?

What term describes the condition of plant cells after being placed in distilled water?

Why does distilled water kill your plants?

distilled water kills the plant because this water is already dead water which has no minerals needed for the plant to grow. it already contains chemicals as it was being purified.

Do plants grow better in tap or distilled water?

distilled If you are growing houseplants in soil, using distilled water will prevent the accumulation of calcium and other salts in the soil. However, if growing plant cuttings in water, tap water will work better.

Will a plant grow bigger watered by milk or pepsi?

I did this for my science fair and the plant given lemon juice grew more than the plant that was given distilled water. but dont know why it did grow more

Why plant cells in distilled water do not behave exactly same way as animal cell?

Animal cells will burst because they have no outer structure to allow them to keep their shape. However, plant cells have a cell wall which keeps the cell from bursting.

Do gummy bears grow larger in distilled water or tap water?

they grow bigger in distilled!! i just did this project in school.

Why do you think plant cells have bigger vaculoles than animal cells?

Well an animal cell do not need to hold water inside of its cells as much as plants do. Also, when a plant absorbs water, if it has excess, they are stored in the vacuoles which make them larger.