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Q: Do filtration requires a membrane-bound carrier for transport?
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What moves up a concentration gradient and requires a carrier?

Primary Active Transport.

Which type of transport requires assistance from membrane proteins?

cellular transport nop, is passive transport

Is carrier proteins passive transport or active transport?

Carrier proteins can use active or passive transport depending on what type of carrier protein it is (meaning what the protein transports). The form of passive transport that they use is facilitated diffusion. An example of active transport is the Sodium Potassium pump. Active transport requires ATP. Facilitated diffusion is used to transport polar molecules and ions that cannot directly cross the cell membrane. Facilitated diffusion doesn't require energy.

What is the role of transport proteins in active transport?

Active transport requires energy, unlike passive transport. The carrier proteins in active transport act as a "pump" ( fueled by ATP) to carry/attach themselfves to useful proteins for the cell.

What are a series of carrier proteins?

Active transport involves carrier proteins. Carrier proteins bind themselves to particles and transport them to highly concentrated areas within a cell.Facilitated diffusion and active transport require carrier proteins.

What Carrier Proteins Transport Glucose Into A Muscle Cell?

carrier proteins transport glucose into a muscle cell

What is ribbon carrier?

Blue Ribbon Carrier is a transport firm that provides a variety of transport solutions.

A form of passive transport that uses transport proteins-?

Diffusion (passive transport) needs no energy to take place, and therefore no need for transport or carrier protiens. Active transport uses carrier protiens, as the cell needs to work against a concentration gradient. This requires energy. Diffusion can take place outside of cells Active transport can't take place outside of cells.

Is transport proteins a passive transport?

Carrier proteins can be involved in passive transport.

What kind of molecules are moved in active transport?

Active transport requires energy, unlike passive transport. The carrier proteins in active transport act as a "pump" ( fueled by ATP) to carry/attach themselfves to useful proteins for the cell.

How is diffusion different from active transport?

active transport is different from diffusion. active transport has to do with the movement of chemical substance through a gradient of concentration. diffusion has to do with requiring the expenditure of energy

What process changes the shape of transport proteins when a particle binds with it?

Carrier Proteins. Some don't require ATP (Facillitated transport) and some do require ATP (Active transport) to change shape.