

Do fraternal twins look alike

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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Usually but not always. They can even be different sexes. Identical twins are fromed from one fertilized egg which splits into two and so genetically they have the same DNA and are therefore identical. Fraternal twins are formed from two separate eggs fertilized by two separate sperm cells, and are called 'twins' simply because they share the womb during their development. Otherwise, they are no more similar than normal brothers, sisters or a brother and sister.

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15y ago
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9y ago


Fraternal twins come from two eggs, fertilized separately, but at the same time.

They're no more like than any other brother/sister combination, only they're born one right after the other.

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11y ago

No? They have their own unique DNA- two different eggs two different sperms cells. Identical twins- shares the same DNA, same chromosomes.

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14y ago

No. Not any more similar than non twin siblings.

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14y ago

Yes they can, twins means that they'll be born together, not to look alike even though they're alot of twins that look alike.

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12y ago

yes they do, i am a non identical twin but we look exactly the same and hardly anyone can tell us apart even our mum still gets mixed up...

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If twins aren't identical what are they called?

Twins who are of the opposite sex or do not look alike are fraternal twins ~ not identical. This means that at the time of their conception ~ two eggs were fertilised. In the case od identical twins, one egg is fertilised and split in half.

How is a fraternal twin different than other twins?

Fraternal means "brother-like." Identical twins result from a single fertilzed egg dividing into two separate embryos so the twins share all DNA. Fraternal twins result from two different eggs being fertilized by two different sperm at the same time. The babies are then born at the same time, but only share 25%of their DNA with each other, which is the same amount that siblings born at different times share. The word fraternal used in social organizations, like "the fraternal order of"...refers to the thought that the members are like brothers to each other. Modern french uses the word frere to mean brother.

Do fraternal twins have the same fingerprints?

No, fraternal twins do not have the same fingerprints, because everyone no matter what has different fingerprints. not even twins.

Why are identical twins identical and fraternal twins are not?

Identical twins are formed from a single egg that splits into two. Fraternal twins are formed from two separate eggs that are both separately fertilized. So identical twins have identical DNA, and fraternal twins do not.

Non-identical twins are called?

Fraternal twins are created when 2 separate eggs are fertilized. Identical twins are created when 1 fertilized egg splits into 2. It is impossible for one identical twin to be male and the other female. Identical twins are usually the ones that look exactly alike.

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What is the difference between fraternal twins and twins?

Ferternal twins don't look alike, but twins do

Do Identical twins think more alike than Fraternal?

Yes. Fraternal twins don't look alike at all. Identical, meaning to look the same, are well, identical.

What are twins born at the same time but do not look alike called?

Fraternal twins.

What does it mean when you have a fraternal brother?

When u are twins but don't look alike

What do you call to twins that doesn't look the same Does it exist Thanks?

There are many twins that don't look alike. They are called fraternal twins.

What does cuates mean in English?

It means 'fraternal twins', the kind that don't look alike. The kind that look alike are called 'gemelos.'

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(Person that asked the question)-Once twins are born, and old enough to determine whether they are identical or fraternal, how do you know if they are identical, or just fraternal twins that look identical? I was just curious.

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Is there a word for twins who don't look alike?

Nonidentical twins Dizygotic twins (commonly known as fraternal twins, but also referred to as non-identical twins or biovular twins)

If twins aren't identical what are they called?

Twins who are of the opposite sex or do not look alike are fraternal twins ~ not identical. This means that at the time of their conception ~ two eggs were fertilised. In the case od identical twins, one egg is fertilised and split in half.

What are twins that dont look alike caled?

Fraternal. They develop from separate ova and are not genetically identical, so look different, can have different sex etc. Unlike "identical twins."

Do Fraternal Twins have similar minds like identical twins do?

Twins don't always think alike, whether they be identical, fraternal, or even simese. It depends on there personalities, not their looks.