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(Person that asked the question)-Once twins are born, and old enough to determine whether they are identical or fraternal, how do you know if they are identical, or just fraternal twins that look identical? I was just curious.

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Q: How do you know if two twins are identical or just fraternal twins that look a lot alike?
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How do twins look exactly alike?

They do look different! Even identical twins, with identical DNA, are different. Most have a slight difference in height and weight. Many people have a difficult time telling them apart because they are focusing on the wrong things. If someone looks only at the hair, they may not see that their faces are slightly different.

Are identical twins more common than fraternal twins?

it was 1/250 just for twins, but identical is more common then futurnal

How is a fraternal twin different than other twins?

Fraternal means "brother-like." Identical twins result from a single fertilzed egg dividing into two separate embryos so the twins share all DNA. Fraternal twins result from two different eggs being fertilized by two different sperm at the same time. The babies are then born at the same time, but only share 25%of their DNA with each other, which is the same amount that siblings born at different times share. The word fraternal used in social organizations, like "the fraternal order of"...refers to the thought that the members are like brothers to each other. Modern french uses the word frere to mean brother.

Do identical twins with opposite genders exist?

Yes, it's possible for a mutation in the chromosome to produce otherwise-identical twins with opposite genders. But generally no, identical twins have the same gender. (but fraternal twins have different genders just as often as any siblings)

Are kittens twins?

A litter is really just a big set of fraternal multiples. Occasionally there will be actual identical twins. Yes there can be twin kittens.

What is the probability of a twin to have twins?

if twins run in the family u are more likely to have twins but most likely fraternal because identical twins are just a very unique coincidence

Why does identical twins not have the same weight and Skin colour?

Eye colour is caused by genetics whereas the weight of a person depends on how they life their life (how healthily they eat or how much exercise they do) so it is an environmental variation. Identical twins have the same genes so have the same eye colour.

Similar twins are true twins or not?

i would have to say no because i am an identical twin and when you hear twin you think of identical ones. also fraternal twins aren't really twins because they are 2 separate babies that just happened to be fertilized at the same time.

How do you determine who is the father if identical twins have same dna?

Identical twins will have the same father, so a paternity test is done just like for any kid. With fraternal twins, it is possible, but very, very rare, to have different fathers for the babies.

Non-identical twins can be both boys both girls or boy and girl why?

because fraternal twins (non-identical) are just like any other siblings. Their genders have no connection with each other.

Can identical twins be of different sexes?

They can be. While identical twins always have to be the same gender, fraternal twins usually are not. However this is not always the case. Identical twins occur because they inhabit the same egg. Fraternal twins because two eggs were fertilized at the same time. So fraternal twins could be the same gender, but usually they are of the opposite gender.

What is the difference between identical and flaternal twins?

Fraternal twins come from the fertilization of two different eggs. It can cause them to look almost the same, but they could just as easily be totally different, even different genders. Identical twins come from the splitting of only one fertilized egg, making them look exactly the same and they will always be the same gender.