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no just think of a plant that creates is own food through photosynthesis

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no some only eat plants

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yes, some plants does

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Q: Do plants depend on other organism for food?
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In a food chain why are plants called producers and animals called consumers?

Plants (or at least most plants; there are some exceptions) do not eat any other organism; they create their own food out of water, air, minerals and sunlight. Whereas, all animals have to eat some other organism to survive. Some eat plants and some eat other animals, but every animal eats some kind of organism. So plants produce the food upon which all animals ultimately depend (because even if an animal eats other animals, the animals that it eats depend upon plants).

How do plants provide energy and nutrients to other organism?

Herbivore animals eat the plants as food and carnivores eat those herbivore animals as food. Therefore, in a way, all animals depend on plants for their energy requirement.

Do animals that eat other animals depend on plants?

Yes. Animals that eat other animals depend on herbivores for food, which in turn depend on plants.

What is autotrophic nuutrition?

The kind of nutrition in which an organism prepares its own food and does not depend on other organisms. Such type of nutrition is found in green plants having Chlorophyll, To manufacture their own food in the presence of sunlight. Just contrating to this are Heterotrophs (Heterotrophic nutrition), which depend on green plants or other organisms for food. Autotrophic nutrition provides food for the whole of the living world.

What depend on plants for food?

Herbivores depend on plants for food.

What is heterophic?

Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot make their own food. They have to depend on other plants and animals for nutrition.

How do other organism depend on each other and their environment?

The living organisms depend on each other for their food & shelter. EG: Fungi and algae depend on each other .

What kind of plants that obtain their food from other plants and animals?

they are known as heterotrops the cant make food themselves they depend on other plants and animals example fungi,like mushroom

Why do plants and animals depend on each other so much?

plants provide food and plants provide carbon dioxide

What type of organism that provide food for the other members of the ecosystem?

Autotrouphs or green plants

What animals depend on plants for food shelter and protections?

name two animals that depend on plants for food?

Do plants make its own food usually by photosynthesis?

Yes most plants get their food through photosynthesis except some which also depend upon other plants or insects.