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Stomata are used for gas exchange from the atmosphere, and are located on the bottom of the leaf. When open, unless it is raining, the leaf loses moisture through the stomata.

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10y ago

No, stomata are pores for the exchange of gases.

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11y ago

No,they don't trap sunlight.

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Q: Do stomata trap sunlight for photosynthesis?
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no, chlorophyll traps the light energy from sunlight, and uses it in photosynthesis to make glucose.

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Chloroplasts in plants trap sunlight or light energy. They use this during photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide also traps the suns energy and that is why it is a greenhouse.

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The chlorophyll pigments inside chloroplast trap sunlight during photosynthesis.

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it is a chemical reaction called photosynthesis! learnt it in science

How does photosynthesis trap carbon dioxide?

Goes under the seaCO2 is diffused from atmosphere to the plants. CO2 enters through stomata. Then it enters into cells