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A Clefted chin is indeed heriditary. It is localted in chromosome 16. If both parents have clefts the chances of their child also having one is about 75%. When the featus is forming at the very early stages the tissue sometimes does not completely conjoin and the centerline and thus causes the cleft in the chin. The degree may vary and is much more dominant with males than females.

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Q: Do the Cleft Chin Trait Just pass Down From The Parent?
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What are the statistics of cleft chins?

Cleft chin is a genetic defect. It is the result of the chin bone never forming together. Cleft chins are genetic. It is passed down from parent to child. Cleft chin is the most predominate among people of germanic and west slavic (i.e., polish) ethnicities. Notably the former prussian areas of Poland. It is very common in that part of the world and among descendants of people originating in that part of europe.

Why is heredity important?

it's a genetic trait that is passed down from the parent to there offspring.

How can you get rid of a cleft dimpled chin?

This may sound a little farfetched, but other than surgery this is probably the only way that you may be able to get rid of a cleft dimpled chin, so please bear with me and don't label this "impossible" or "a load of a garbage" right off the bat. Mien Shang is the ancient Taoist art of face reading. Now, I am not a Taoist and I am a serious skeptic, but you can actually take classes for this in some colleges now, so it may have some validity. What Mein Shang proposes is that are facial features portray our personalities. What the cleft chin stands for is hypersexuality. So, assuming that you have already hit puberty, then what you might want to try is cutting down on how frequently you have sex/masturbate (however, don't totally stop masturbating seeing as masturbating can supposively prevent some forms of cancer.) for a while, and if it doesn't appear that your cleft dimpled chin is beginning to vanish than just go back to how you'd normally live and don't worry about it because Mien Shang is probably a bunch of pseudoscience. Having a cleft dimpled chin is nothing to be ashamed of. Yes, some people find it less attractive than a regular chin, but some find it more attractive. Not many people have cleft chins and therefore it makes you unique. Cleft chins are genetically inherited and there's probably nothing you can do about it, but I suppose the above stated method can't hurt to try.

How do you play treble cleft on a viola?

The Viola does not have a treble cleft. but if you know the notes in a treble cleft write them down and just play the notes

What are traits that you get from parents?

hair color, eye color, freckles, dimples, nose shape/size, cowlicks, height, weight, special abilities (smart, athletic, musically inclined.. etc.), cleft chin, how calm you are, how easily you get upset, sad, etc. hope this helps!! (:

What goes down with chin up what goes up with chin down?


What are inherited trait?

An inherited trait is a charateristic passed from parents to offspring.

What always produce offspring with the same trait as the parent?

anything asexual. it preety much clones itself. also hair is very common for mamals to pass down.

Is cleft palate genetic?

Yes it is genetic, meaning it an be passed down.

How can a parent learn the risks of having a child with a genetic disorder?

A parent can learn the risks of having a child with a genetic disorder by looking at their own history. A genetic disorder is... da da da da! Genetic! so the traits of this disorder would be passed down through the generations. If both parents have family members with the trait or if the disorder is a dominant trait then there is a high chance of the disorder being passed down to the child. If the trait is recessive and only one parent has the genetic disorder in their family history then there are some pretty low chances of it being passed along to the child. Even if the trait is recessive, if both parents have the diorder in their history then there is about a 50% chance of the child having the disorder.

What is a characteristic that is passed down from a parent to its offspring?

Dumb question, im in 11th grade and I know that's a dumb question. Just about everything can be passed down. Height is a gene, eye color is a gene..the list goes on. No offence but you kind of fail at science, I learned this in 6th grade.

Where is acetycholine broken down into acetate and choline?

Acetycholine is broken down into acetate and choline in the synaptic cleft.