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The Viola does not have a treble cleft. but if you know the notes in a treble cleft write them down and just play the notes

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Q: How do you play treble cleft on a viola?
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(generally speaking) yes. As as aside, it's "clef" not "cleft."

Is the xylophone play in the treble or bass cleft?

Xylophones usually play in the treble celf* - They have made xylophones for bass clef though.

How do you play clocks by coldplay on viola?

You can't because Viola does not use the Treble clef. But it can betransposedintoTreble clef or you could learn to read Treble clef

What is the treble cleft also know as?

The treble clef (not cleft) is a G clef, because it indicates the staff position of the note G.

Do you play violin d same way you play a viola?

It is vey similar except for u are in alto clef not treble

What string instruments uses the alto clef?

Viola does-- if u know how to read treble its not that hard just add one... ex. on treble the center line is B on alto clef just add one letter from the alphabet-- the middle line is C. if you play viola its pretty simple too because Middle C is Literally on the Middle! - im an orch dork (:

What Instruments other than the viola use the treble clef?

violas dont use treble clef they use alto clef

Lower sounding instruments read their notes in the?

Bass Clef Mostly. Some however, still use the treble clef.NOTE: The viola uses the viola clef and the piano/keyboard uses both treble and bass.

What clefs is used to read music by middle range instruments such as the viola?

Viola normally plays in the alto clef. However in score-reading, the treble-clef is used as the viola does not play registers as low as the other strings.alto cleff

Music for violins are written in which clef?

Violin music is written using the treble clef.

Why does a viola need its own clef?

It reads alto clef because the range is a little too low to stay in treble, but goes too high to play in bass.

What the clarinet play in bass clef or treble clef?

Clarinets play in treble clef.