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No you don't aim the mirror directly at the sun because the mirror will reflect the sunlight into your eye

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Q: Do you aim the mirror of a microscope at the sun to light up a specimen?
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Electron microscope gives a greater magnification. Instead of lenses, the electron microscope uses magnets to aim a beam of electrons at thin slices of cells. A light microscope does not have as good as a magnification and resolution as a electron mircroscope does. A microscope as a curved lens, so the light bounces off of it and makes the small object larger.

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Why can't you see your reflection in a piece of paper?

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to verify that light is made up of particles

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kayskyblu122=aim hit meh uhp!!! .o_O.

What is the mirror used by Archimedes to set fire on roman fleet?

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How do you get the comic strip on top of the school in big nate island?

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Why does a bird aim below a fish?

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