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Q: Does a body decompose before or after rigor mortis?
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What is rigor mortis-?

Rigor mortis is a build up of released lactic acid. Rigor mortis starts a few hours after you die, and causes your muscles to contract, or shorten, which is their natural state. After about 12 hours Rigor mortis begins to dissipate.

Why does the body stifffen after death?

Look up 'rigor mortis'

What body part does rigor mortis begin in?

It affects the muscles.

What is the state of the body after death in which the muscles become stiff called?

rigor mortis

How long does rigor mortis last?

No. Chemicals in the body begin to breakdown and rigor mortis goes away after approximately 72 hours later.

What is rigor mortis and how would the onset of rigor mortis differ depending on the kind of neurotoxin the animals were exposed to?

Rigor mortis (literally "stiffness of death") is a natural process within the body after somatic death in which the skeletal muscles become locked in a contracted position. The carcass becomes rigid and unbending. Intoxication with a neurotoxin could affect the development of rigor mortis. For instance, tetanus toxin would cause the animal to be practically in rigor mortis at the time of death because it causes a spastic paralysis where the muscles are contracted during life. In contrast, botulinum toxin might cause the animal to have delayed rigor mortis or even to not develop a full rigor mortis because it blocks the nerves and causes a flaccid paralysis.

Which phenomena is explained by the specific role of ATP?

Rigor Mortis (The stiffening of a body after death).

What is it called when a body stiffens after death?

It depends on the climate that the body is in and the conditions. 2 or 3 hours after a person dies the muscles begin to get stiff. Maximum stiffness occurs at around 12-24 hours. "Rigor Mortis"

Types of rigor mortis?

Whatever the subject did before it died xP No really it causes the body to lock into the exact position it was in before it died. The muscles tighten up so much that it does not allow the body to move.

What is difference between rigor mortis and heat stiffening?

Rigor mortis is brought on by the release of calcium from the decomposing cells. It causes the the cross links in the muscle cells to link. As ATP is need for the release of the cross links the body remains stiff. (no ATP as body is dead) Rigor passes within 36hrs. Heat stiffening is the shrinking of the muscles due to the coagulation of the muscle proteins. Think about frying beef, it shrinks. Heat stiffening lasts until the body begins to break down the muscles and only then will the body go flaccid. Rigor mortis doesn't occur.

What is rigomortus?

Rigor mortis is a postmortem process in which the body becomes stiff and rigid due to the loss of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the muscles. It typically begins 2-6 hours after death and can last up to 48 hours.

Why rigor mortis develop?

A few hours after a person dies the joints of the body stiffen and become locked in place. Rigor mortis is caused by the skeletal muscles partially contracting. The muscles are unable to relax, so the joints become locked.