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it would look red because the light would reflect on the grass ddddddddddddddduhhhh lol jk

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plants absorb red light and blue light wavelengths, and reflect green and yellow light, which is why we perceive a plants leaves as being green.

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Yes. Green grass absorbs blue and red light, but reflect green light.

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Yes. All light is absorbed to some degree.

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Q: Does chlorophyll absorb red and purple light?
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What chlorophyll a and b absorb?

Chlorophyll a and b absorb BLUE-VIOLET and RED wavelengths of light best.

Chlorophyll absorbs which color of light?

red and purple

Which parts of the spectrum does chlorophyll absorb best?

blue and red light OR anything with red in it

Does chlorophyll a absorb mostly orange red and violet blue light?


Do plants absorb or reflect green light?

YES. Plants absorb AND reflect green light. Leaves are green due to a compound called chlorophyll. The light absorbed by chlorophyll is used to power photosynthesis, the conversion of light energy into chemical energy. On a relative basis, chlorophyll absorbs more blue and red light, compared to green light; and therefore reflects less red and blue light. As a result, there is more green light than red or blue light reflected, so the chlorophyll containing part of the plant appears green. It is commonly thought that chlorophyll does not absorb green light, but that is a fallacy. A dark green leaf can absorb 90% of the green light impinging on it. In contrast, 95% of the red and blue light may be absorbed.

What is the green pigment in chloroplast and absorbs light energy from the sun?

Chlorophyll (mainly), though there are other accessory pigments. Chlorophyll usually absorbs light mainly in the red-orange to blue-violet parts of the visible light spectrum

Which regions of the visible spectrum in which chlorophyll absorbed light very well?

Chlorophyll absorbs purple/blue light really well and orange/red light too. It doesnt absorb green light very well and refects most of ot, making plants appear green to us. Chlorophyll absorbs best in the 600-750 nm (nanometer) range

What is chlorophyll composed of?

chlorophyll is composed of many lights that we see in a rainbow. chlorophyll a is when it absorbs all light except for the color red. chlorophyll b is the same as chlorophyll a but instead of not absorbing the color red it refuses to absorb the color blue.

What molecule is used to capture light energy?

Chlorophyll captures light energy using photosynthesis. Energy is absorbed through wavelengths. It can absorb violet-blue and orange-red light energy easily.

Do chlorophyll molecules absorb blue and red light for use in photosynthesis?

it mainly uses potato for energy

What colored chemical compounds absorbs light?

Many chemical substances absorb light.

What molecules other than chlorophyll absorb and reflect certain colors?

Several other pigments are found in plants beside chlorophyll. These are: anthocyanin's which reflect red, blue, purple, or magenta colors; carotenoids which reflect yellow, orange, or red and absorb blue light; and phycobilins which are found in algae.