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Chlorophyll a has absorption maxima of 430nm and 662nm. Which corresponds to violet and red. Chlorophyll b has absorption maxima of 453nm and 642nm. Which corresponds to blue and red. Hope that helps

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8y ago
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1mo ago

Other pigments such as carotenoids and phycobilins can absorb different wavelengths of light and give plants their yellow, orange, and red colors. These pigments work alongside chlorophyll to capture a wider range of light for photosynthesis. Anthocyanins are pigments that reflect red, blue, and purple colors in plants.

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9y ago

Several other pigments are found in plants beside chlorophyll. These are: anthocyanin's which reflect red, blue, purple, or magenta colors; carotenoids which reflect yellow, orange, or red and absorb blue light; and phycobilins which are found in algae.

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11y ago

It reflects green the most (about 95%) and absorbs blue the most (about 10%)

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13y ago

chloroplasts or pigment

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What do chlorophyll molecules absorb?


What molecules in chloroplasts can absorb light?

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The Chlorophyll

True or false Chlorophyll pigments absorb mostly green wavelenghts and reflect blue and red wavelenghs?

True. Chlorophyll pigments primarily absorb blue and red wavelengths of light and reflect green wavelengths, giving leaves their green color.

What are the molecules in plant cells absorb light energy?

Chlorophyll! Glad I could help :)

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The function of chlorophyll is to?

Chlorophyll is vital for photosynthesis, which allows plants to absorb energy from light. Chlorophyll molecules are arranged in and around photosystems that are embedded in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts.

What molecules that absorb specific wavelengths of light?

Chlorophyll and carotenoids are examples of molecules that absorb specific wavelengths of light for photosynthesis in plants. In the field of medicine, hemoglobin and melanin are molecules that absorb specific wavelengths of light for various diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

When chlorophyll molecules asbosrb light?

It is in the light dependant reaction. Thew first step of the photosynthesis.

How are pigments associated with photosynthesis?

Pigments are molecules that absorb light energy. In photosynthesis, pigments such as chlorophyll absorb light and transfer the energy to the reaction centers, where it is used to drive the conversion of carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. Pigments play a crucial role in capturing light energy for the process of photosynthesis to take place.