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The impulse itself does not actually cross the gap, which is called a synapse by the way, instead it stimulates the realease of a neurotransmitter from vesicles. When the neurotransmitter reaches the other side of the synapse it binds proteins on the opposing membrane and in doing so stimulates the membrane to continue the action potential on the mect cell.

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Q: During neurotransmission when the electrical impulse reaches the end of the axon it crosses a gap called a?
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An impulse reaches the CNS from the PNS via the?

Afferent nerves

How do nerve impulses cross the gap between nerve cells?

When an electrical signal, or impulse, reaches the end of an axon it triggers chemicals called transmitters. The electrical signals then become chemical ones as the transmitters cross the synapse, the gap between an axon and a dendrite. When they reach the dendrite of another neuron they spark a new electrical signal that then travels the length of that nerve cell. And it does this over and over until it reaches its destination.

Which one of the following phrases describes the transmission of impulses to and from nerve cells?

There is a connection between two brain cells, called a synapse. When it reaches the end of one cell, the electric impulse transforms itself into a chemical substance, and is transferred from one cell to another. When it reaches the second cell, it is again transformed intro an electric impulse.

When you want to move your arm your brain sends a message where does the message go?

Brain send the message via nerve impulses involving neurons which use the neuro-transmitter AcetylcholineEach nerve impulse begins in the dendrites of a neuron's. the impulse move rapidly toward the neuron's cell body and then down the axon until it reaches the axon tip.a nerve impulse travels along the neuron in the form of electrical and chemical signals.Acetylcholine- a neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction triggers a muscle action potential, which leads to muscle contraction.

When a nerve impulse reaches the end of the axon the tiny sacs that store the neurotransmitters move to the surface and release the neurotranmistters These tiny sacs that store the neurotransmitters?

sacs are Synaptic vesicle.

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State why there is a brief delay in the transmission of an impulse across the synapse?

The impulse must go from one neuron to the next. To do this, it must change from an electrical to a chemical signal, and back to an electrical signal when it reaches the next neuron. Electrical signals are impossibly fast, but neurotransmitters cannot cross a synapse that fast. So, the impulse is at its slowest point when it crosses the synapse.

What happens when the heart's electrical impulse reaches the purkinje fibers?

the heart rest and you can really thank God for that one

When an electrical impulse reaches the AV node it is slowed for a brief period of time so that?

blood can pass from the atria to the ventricles.

When does the human heart rest?

The electrical impulse reaches all the muscle tissue in the ventricles, and the ventricles contract. This electrical conduction pattern occurs approx. every 0.8 seconds.

How does a signal crosses from the axon of a neuron to a receiving cell?

When the electrical signal reaches the end of an axon, neurotransmitters are released. They travel acrross the synapse. Once they reach the receiving cell, they create a new electrical signal.

What happens when an impulse reaches the end of an axon?

It reaches the synapse and sends neurotransmitters to start a new impulse to the next neuron

During a reflex the nerve impulse reaches?

the brain

When an impulse reaches the end of a neuron it tiggers the releases of?


What muscles are used when you do step ups?

Various muscles of lower limb and back and hip.Each nerve impulse begins in the dendrites of a neuron's. the impulse move rapidly toward the neuron's cell body and then down the axon until it reaches the axon tip. a nerve impulse travels along the neuron in the form of electrical and chemical signals.

An impulse reaches the CNS from the PNS via the?

Afferent nerves

How does electricity move through the heart?

The electrical impulse is generated in SA node. It travels along the walls of the atria. Then it reaches the AV node. Here the impulse is slowed down for some time. Then it enters the bundle of His. It rapidly passes down to left and right bundle branches. Then the impulse spreads to the muscle fibers of the walls of the ventricles, including the papillary muscles.