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There will be 23 chromosomes in each daughter cell. This is half the usual amount. This is referred to as hapliod. Since meiosis only occurs to produce eggs and sperm it makes sense that each egg and sperm should contain only half the "usual" amount. Therefore you literally get half your genes from your mother (egg) and half your genes from your father (sperm). Once fused as a zygote (the cell from which the baby will be formed) now has the correct or "usual" number of chromosomes - 46 or 23 pairs.

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14y ago
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9y ago

Each daughter cell will have four chromosomes, the same as the parent cell.

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9y ago

If the parent cell undergoes mitosis, the daughter cells will have four chromosomes. If the parent cell undergoes meiosis, the daughter cells will have two chromosomes.

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13y ago

the four daughter cells each contain 23 chromosomes and are called haploid cells

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Four chromosomes

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Q: During normal mitotic cell division a parent cell having four chromosomes will produce two daughter cells containing how many chromosomes?
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Are chromosomes in a daughter cell an exact of of the parent cell?

If the daughter cell is a result of mitotic cell division, then yes.

What many chromosomes would each daughter cells have in mitosis?

In humans, each daughter cell produced by mitotic cell division will have 46 chromosomes.

Normally a complete set of chromosomes is passed to each daughter cell as a result of?

Mitotic cell division.

What is the number of chromosomes per daughter cell through mitosis?

After mitotic cell division, each daughter cell contains the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

How many chromosomes does the daughter cell get from the parent cell?

In mitotic cell division, the daughter cells contain the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. In meiotic cell division, the daughter cells contain half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

When a cell with 23 chromosomes divides by mitotic call division both of the resulting daughter cells each have the maximum number of 23 chromosomes?

New Q. Answer is Yes. Remember, eukaryotic chromosomes exist in pairs.Ex-Q. Answer was: about meiosis and mitosis I will answer both:Mitosis is a form of cell division that results in the produced (or daughter) cells having the same number of chromosomes as the parent. In your example, a daughter cell resulting from mitotic cell division would have 23 chromosome pairs, just like its parent cell.Meiosis is a form of cell division that results in the produced (or daughter) cells having half the number of chromosomes present in the parent. In your example, a daughter cell resulting from meiotic cell division would have 23 chromosomes, half the number of the parent cell.

How much DNA does each daughter cell contain when it is compared to the parent cell's DNA?

Daughter cells resulting from mitotic division have the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

What do you get from meiosis that you don't get from mitosis?

Mitotic cell division produces two genetically identical daughter cells that are genetically identical to their parent cell. The daughter cells that result from mitotic cell division are 2n, having two sets of chromosomes. Meiotic cell division produces four genetically non-identical cells that are 1n, having only one set of chromosomes. The parent cell for meiotic cell division is 2n.

Which chromosomes are found in a daughter cell?

Each daughter cell contains half of the chromosomes from the parent cell. Because the parent cell undergoes DNA replication before mitosis, the parent cell and the daughter cells will be diploid.

Normal mitotic cell division results in each daughter cell having what?

the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell

If a diploid cell containing 28 chromosomes undergoes meiosis how many chromosomes will each daughter have?

In mitosis, the daughter cells each have the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

How does the arrangement in chromosomes at meta phase differ in mitotic division and the first division?

in meiotic cell division the chromosomes are not aligned in the middle like meta phase.