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I think tendons mostly but it could be ligaments

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Q: Elastic fibers that connect the ends of bones at movable joints are known as?
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What is the partially moveable joint?

Partially movable joints are called amphiarthroses. Examples are the joints where ribs connect the sternum, the joints between the vertebra, where ribs connect the spinal column and the joints between the cuneiform bones of the foot. The singular form is amphiarthrosis.

Does your body have more movable or immovable joints?

your body has more movable joints

How many movable joints are the body?

8 the human body contains 230 movable and slightly movable joints

What joint is movable?

Cartilaginous are slightly movable, but the most prominent type of movable joints are synovial joints, such as the knee and shoulder, which are very movable.

Hello chum how are you?

230 semi-movable joints are in the human body. 230 semi-movable joints are in the human body. 230 semi-movable joints are in the human body. 230 semi-movable joints are in the human body. cheeese

Compare immovable joints with movable joints?

immovable joints can't move and movable joints could move they are the same because immovable joints and movable joints are both made up of two or more jointsDifference: the movable joint moves, and the unmovable joint, does not.Alike: they both consist of 2 joints or more.

Synovial joints are freely movable joints that?

Synovial joints are freely movable joints that achieve movement at the point of contact of the articulating bones.

What are th 6 types of movable joints?

The 6 types of movable joints are:hingespinball and socketglideconvexconcave

How many movable joints are in a human body?

the human body has 230 movable joints in the body.

Is the elbow a slightly movable joint?

Slightly movable joints are also called cartilaginous joints. Slightly movable joints are the joints with minor movements, because cartilage is preventing them from moving at a long distance.

How are immovable joints and slightly movable joints related?

Immovable joints and slightly movable joints are related because they are two types of joints that are functional junctions between bones.

How would you compare immovable joints with movable joints?

Movable joints can be moved, immovable joints can not.