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Basolateral membrane

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Q: Epithelial membranes is known as the blood-facing membrane?
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Cells that do not have a cell membrane?

There is no cell known to not have a cell membrane. Riht now all cells have cell membranes.

What are two main components of cellular membranes?

Partially permeable , permeable , immpermeable .

What is the name of the connective membrane found lining joint cavities?

The name of the membrane surrounding the joints is called synovial membrane.

What serous membrane surrounds the stomach?

The visceral segment of the serous membranes encases the internal organs while the parietal segment is responsible for lining the body wall. Serous membranes which care for the needs of the lungs are known as pleurae while the serous membranes which care for the abdominal cavity are known as peritoneum, but are also referred to as peritoneal membranes.

What type of cell's have a cell membrane?

All cells have a cell memebrane. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic.

Is the nuclear membrane an animal or plant cell?

Both plant and animal cells have nuclear membranes, otherwise known as karyotheca.

A characteristic of plasma membranes that helps them fuse during vesicle formation and phagocytosis is the?

The capacity of lipids to associate and maintain a bilayer organization is a characteristic of plasma membranes that helps them fuse during vesicle formation and phagocytosis. The plasma membrane is also known as the cell membrane.

What cell can form a flat water proof layer?

A cell which can form a flat, water proof layer known as the cell membrane is called the epithelial cell.

What is the structural model of the plasma membrane called?

The plasma membrane is the most thoroughly studied of all cell membranes, and it is largely through investigations of the plasma membrane that our current concepts of membrane structure have evolved. Theplasma membranes of mammalian red blood cells (erythrocytes) have been particularly useful as a model for studies of membrane structure. Mammalian red blood cells do not contain nuclei or internal membranes, so they represent a source from which pure plasma membranes can be easily isolated for biochemical analysis. Indeed, studies of the red blood cell plasma membrane provided the first evidence that biological membranes consist of lipid bilayers. In 1925, two Dutch scientists (E. Gorter and R. Grendel) extracted the membrane lipidsfrom a known number of red blood cells, corresponding to a known surface area of plasma membrane. They then determined the surface area occupied by a monolayer of the extracted lipid spread out at an air-water interface. The surface area of the lipid monolayer turned out to be twice that occupied by the erythrocyteplasma membranes, leading to the conclusion that the membranes consisted of lipid bilayers rather than monolayers

Another term for a mucous membrane is?

A mucous membrane is a layer of epithelial tissue which lines an area of the body which comes into contact with air. Mucous membranes are moist because of the presence of glands which secrete a thick fluid known as mucus, and they are important for a number of bodily functions. Mucous membranes line the urogenital tract, digestive tract, and respiratory tract, with one of the more well known mucous membranes being the lining of the interior of the nose. The moisture found in a mucous membrane acts to protect the body by creating a barrier and preventing the inside of the body from drying out. Mucus also traps pathogens, dirt, and particulate matter so that they can be sequestered and eliminated by the body. The nose is particularly famous for this, using mucus as a barrier between many harmful substances and the respiratory tract. Some sections of mucous membrane also have small hairs known as cilia which act as traps, and can move to push things across the surface of the membrane.

Difference between basal lamina and basement membrane?

The term "basal lamina" is usually used with electron microscopy, while the term "basement membrane" is usually used with light microscopy. The structure known as the basement membrane in light microscopy refers to the stained structure anchoring an epithelial layer. This encompasses the basal lamina secreted by epithelial cells and typically a reticular lamina secreted by other cells.

What is a membrane that allows some substances to pass through but excludes others?

A membrane that lets some substances pass through but not others is known as a semipermeable membrane. Other terms that describe this type of membrane are: selectively permeable, partially permeable, or differentially permeable.